How to see through the fraud of Hubei Jizhilong Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd
What kinds of scams are there to detect
Take the example of face brushing payment joining, as long as there is money paid and offline agents developed, it is a fraud.
1. You can become an agent by paying
No queuing, more intelligent and convenient. Aiming at the pain point of the payment market, a new era of face brushing payment is coming! Such slogans often appear in WeChat groups of various agents of Facebook Pay. The policy dividend and the trend of the times are often the first step to defraud people's trust in the face payment scam.
2. No charge, but there is a system usage fee
"There is no charge, but there is a system usage fee of 49800 yuan". This kind of scam is just the beginning, especially when it involves late maintenance. Because they will falsely claim that the background system of face brushing payment is the key, and this system has costs both in development and maintenance. It claims that the running profit generated by merchants will always belong to individuals. With the growth of the number of merchants, the running profit will also continue to grow.
3. After becoming an agent, offline agents can be developed
Not only that, but also offline agency can be developed after becoming an agent. As for the profits that can be obtained by recruiting lower level agents, the agents can decide on their own. They can falsely claim to give the rights and interests of investment promotion to the agents. The merchants can decide how many levels of agents they can develop and how much agent franchise fees they can charge.
matters needing attention:
1. This mess is even a fraud. Previously, wechat payment and Alipay both issued statements. WeChat payment has issued an announcement that WeChat Face Pay has never been an agent or a franchise, let alone an agent or franchise policy. Please be vigilant. We will resolutely investigate relevant legal responsibilities for the acts of developing agents in the name of WeChat payment officials and WeChat payment service providers, and collecting agency fees and franchise fees.
2. It is a fraud to charge high franchise fees and give free equipment unconditionally. As the official face brushing payment subsidy policy and equipment price are relatively transparent, even if the service provider's subsidy is more powerful, it is impossible to make every device free, so you must be careful in case of this kind of pie in the sky.