
The Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics unveiled the Phryges as their official mascots this week, showing off cartoonish images that are meeting with wide-ranging reactions.

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Phryges are small Phrygian caps, which represent a strong symbol of liberty, inclusivity and the ability of people to support great and meaningful causes. They are kitted out in a red, white and blue colourway, with the golden Paris 2024 logo emblazoned across their chests.


The difference is that Paralympic mascot wears a prosthetic running blade to raise the profiles of para athletes and people with disabilities and to promote the sporting values of inclusion.

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他们也被赋予了不同的个性,奥运会弗里吉是一个“具有精明头脑的战术家”,残奥会弗里吉则是“率真的、充满活力和热情的” 。

The two mascots share a motto of “Alone we go faster, but together we go further”, and the Olympic Phryge is described as “a tactician with a calculating brain”, while the Paralympic Phryge is “spontaneous and full of energy and enthusiasm”.


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弗里吉亚帽 图源:Paris 2024


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It's a symbol of revolution and freedom, of striving. It's an icon seen over centuries, from the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Eiffel Tower. 弗里吉亚帽是革命、自由、奋斗的象征。几个世纪以来,在巴黎圣母院大教堂、埃菲尔铁塔,都能看到这顶标志性的帽子。 More specifically, it's the red bonnet famously worn by Marianne, the artistic personification of the free French republic. 更具体地说,这顶弗里吉亚帽是玛丽安娜头顶标志性的红色帽子。玛丽安娜是法兰西共和国的国家象征。

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Julie Matikhine, the brand manager of the Paris 2024 Games, said of the Phryges: “It is a mascot who embodies the French spirit. An ideal that carries the values of our country, a part of our history and a singular point of view on the world.”



来源:巴黎奥组委官网 纽约时报 卫报