My hometown, also has Lijiang pavilion

Look at each other

Lake light autumn color

Blue sky and white clouds

The fragrance of the flowers

Overlapping tree shadows


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In Lijiang, a pavilion is not only elaborately designed by craftsmen, but also a miniature of every family in every word and action. People spend every day leisurely in this small town.

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Li Yu, a famous opera writer and scholar in the Qing Dynasty, built a pavilion in his hometown of Lanxi, Zhejiang Province. He named it "The Pavilion of Qi Stop". The origin of the name is interesting:

Legend has it that when Li Yu built a pavilion in his hometown, he was sponsored by many people, and the one who gave the most money was the local rich Li Fugui. The rich sponsored the funds, will give the pavilion name, called rich pavilion. Li Yu thought it was too vulgar, so he stopped him and said, "Stop." It means you need to stop for a second. The rich man said: "I gave the pavilion a name, you do not agree, what do you say it should be called? You didn't come up with a better name, did you?" Li Yu smiled and said, "I have already spoken the name -- and stopped at the pavilion." The rich man still wanted to defend himself, but Li Yu said, "I am free to stop here and rest my feet. Why can't I call and stop the pavilion? The pavilion cried and stopped." Later, Li Yu also drew up a couplet for the pavilion. The name of the couplet is Huli, Huhu, Huhu, Huhu, Huhu, Huhu. The stream and mountain are quiet and stop.

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Pavilion, with a roof and no walls.

Lijiang can be seen everywhere. Ancient buildings of different shapes, sizes and colors, including pavilions, towers, pavilions, corridors, halls, halls and other names, are built according to their different uses and locations, with various forms and colors.

Pavilion, it is a kind of traditional building with Chinese characteristic, the style is rich, the shape is changeable. After hundreds of years, it has always been the Kui Bao in the art of Chinese classical architecture.

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Pavilion, people are stable.

Pavilion, for thousands of years patiently waiting, and pavilion and rest, does not override nature, does not avoid the subtlety of artificial. Look at the scenery, talk, rest your feet, give your heart to nature, to this small pavilion with views, how good.

Pavilion, stay also.

Ten miles one long pavilion, five miles one short pavilion, in ancient times was set on the roadside public houses, for visitors to rest in small places, whether talented and beautiful or literati, pavilion can always let them haunt, linger.

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Pavilion, connected to our footsteps, life can not be without a pavilion. Only pavilion, can stop, busy life to stop, the road of life will be more clear.

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Pavilion, is a gift, try to open the surprise that may be the meaning of it. Since you will have to part, it is better to stop for a while and then leisurely say goodbye.

Pavilion in Lijiang, we are not in a hurry.

Source: Hi Lijiang

Picture and text: Sonaram