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Ambassador Ping Huang. Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, delivered a speech

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纽约时间2023年1月26日。World Madam世界夫人2021全球民选总冠军Zaozao Wang夫人在美国荣誉主席房飞教授携领下受邀出席中国驻纽约总领馆春节招待会。

January 26, 2023 New York. Mrs. Zaozao Wang, the 2021 Global Audience Choice Champion of World Madam, was invited to attend the Spring Festival reception of the Chinese Consulate General in New York with World Madam honorary chairman of the United States Mr. Steven Fang.

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中国驻纽约总领事馆总领事黄屏大使及夫人、州长助理Elaine Fan、纽约州劳工厅副厅长Linda Sun、纽约市市长亚裔顾问郑祺蓉、著名亚裔神探李昌钰等出席了招待晚宴。

Presented at the event were: Ambassador Huang Ping — Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in New York and his wife;Ms. Elaine Fan, NY State Governor representative; Ms. Linda Sun, Deputy Director of the New York State Department of Labor; Ms. Winnie Grecko, Asian Advisor to the Mayor of New York City; and Henry Lee, one of the world's foremost forensic scientists.

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