

美国《大众机械》(Popular Mechanics)

2023 年 2 月 14 日

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中国的高超音速武器具有双重毁灭性 照片:Alexyz3d - Getty Images




科学家们制造了一个燃油效率为 79% 的高超音速发动机原型。




中国研究人员设法制造出燃油效率达到 79% 的开创性原型发动机。据位于湖南长沙的国防科技大学的研究人员称,该团队在地面测试中使用亚音速燃烧模式完成了这一壮举,该测试模拟了以 6 马赫的速度在 15.5 英里的高度飞行。这篇论文最先由《南华早报》报道。


能够控制化学反应的喷嘴推动的硼粉(boron powder)。据报道,该过程产生的发动机温度超过 3,000 度,比标准超燃冲压发动机高出约 50%。

中国声称它拥有可以摧毁美国航空母舰的可操作高超音速导弹。分析人士说,鹰击21(YJ-21) 导弹旨在阻止美国在该地区紧张局势加剧的情况下入侵台湾时进行干预。

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最高可达 10 马赫的高超音速导弹有望在未来的冲突中发挥作用。这些导弹还非常灵活,据报道可以躲避当前的导弹防御系统。

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美国军方正在高超音速导弹竞赛中迎头赶上。俄罗斯最近向乌克兰的一个目标发射了一枚高超音速导弹,标志着这种武器首次用于战斗。美国目前没有可操作的高超音速导弹,但美国空军最近对其高超音速吸气式武器概念 (HAWC) 进行了成功测试。 HAWC 测试将用于设计未来的高超音速飞行器


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根据美国《大众机械》杂志网站(https://www.popularmechanics.com/)的介绍,自 1902 年创刊以来,《大众机械》一直是了解您的世界如何运作的权威。杂志为观众带来有关汽车、DIY、科学、技术和户外空间创新和发明的最新消息。我们还为读者提供充分享受生活所需的知识,无论是如何更换轮胎、如何搭建农舍餐桌、如何找到丢失的手机,还是如何远足阿巴拉契亚小径。 《大众机械》是关于奇迹,关于对你周围的世界充满好奇,它也是关于让你的手变脏的。



China Learned How to Make Its Hypersonic Weapons Twice As Devastating

Sascha Brodsky

Tue, February 14, 2023 at 9:50 PM GMT+8·2 min read


hypersonic rocket flies above the clouds

China’s Hypersonic Weapons Are Doubly DevastatingAlexyz3d - Getty Images

Chinese scientists say they’ve significantly boosted the operational range for hypersonic weapons.

The scientists built a prototype hypersonic engine with a fuel efficiency of 79 percent.

China says its operational hypersonic missile could destroy U.S. aircraft carriers.

Chinese scientists have figured out how to nearly double the range of hypersonic missiles, according to a recently published paper. The study could increase fears that China’s growing hypersonic missile program may be used to defeat U.S. defenses.

The new missile tech upgrade is based on the fact that hypersonics often use air-breathing technology. To increase fuel efficiency, when the missile reaches hypersonic speed, the air is slowed to below the speed of sound before it enters the engine’s combustion chamber.

The Chinese researchers managed to build a prototype engine with a groundbreaking fuel efficiency of 79 percent. The team accomplished this feat by using the subsonic-combustion mode during a ground test that simulated a flight at an altitude of 15.5 miles at Mach 6, according to researchers from the National University of Defence Technology in Changsha, Hunan. The paper was first reported by the South China Morning Post.

“A solid scramjet engine has numerous advantages, such as simple structure, high volume-specific impulse, high flame stability, and the potential to work in a wide speed range,” the scientists write in their paper.

One challenge the researchers faced was controlling the solid-state fuel used to power the missile’s propulsion system. The scientists used boron powder pushed through multiple nozzles that were able to control the chemical reactions. The process reportedly produced an engine temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, about 50 percent higher than in a standard scramjet.

China claims it has an operational hypersonic missile that could destroy U.S. aircraft carriers. Analysts say the YJ-21 missile is meant to deter American intervention if China invades Taiwan as tensions grow in the region.

Hypersonic missiles, which can reach up to Mach 10, are expected to play a role in future conflicts. The missiles are also highly agile and reportedly can evade current missile defense systems.

The U.S. military is playing catch-up in the hypersonic missile race. Russia recently fired a hypersonic missile against a target in Ukraine, marking the first time the weapon has been used in combat. The U.S. doesn’t currently have an operational hypersonic missile, but the Air Force recently conducted a successful test of its Hypersonic Airbreathing Weapon Concept (HAWC). The HAWC tests will be used to design future hypersonic vehicles.

U.S. military planners are undoubtedly carefully watching the development of China’s fleet of hypersonic missiles.

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