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2022年12月-2023年3月上旬,Food2China团队和广东省进口食品协会团队与爱尔兰预调RTD鸡尾酒Fat Frog品牌合作,举行线上对接会。

对接过程中,Food2China和协会团队根据产品的特点,为爱尔兰Fat Frog 品牌针对性地邀约酒类行业具有成熟零售及经销商渠道的进口商。会前,团队为买家介绍品牌理念、特性及Fat Frog在其它国家市场的推广情况,让买家在会议前对该品牌和产品有一个深入且全面的了解,从而提高对接会的对接效率。会中,团队全程跟踪买卖双方的沟通情况,会后跟进双方对接进度并为双方安排了线下洽谈会议,巩固对接成果。

From December 2022 to early March 2023, the team of Food2China and the team of Guangdong Imported Food Association(GDIFA)cooperated with Fat Frog, a brand of Irish RTD cocktail, and held an online matchmaking meeting.

In the process of meeting, Food2China and GDIFA invited wine andliquor importers with mature retail and distributor channels for Fat Frog. Before the meeting, the team introduced the brand concept, characteristics and the promotion of Fat Frog in other countries to the buyers, so that the buyers have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the brand and products before the meeting, so as to improve the matching efficiency. During the meeting, the team tracked the communication between the buyer and the seller throughout the whole process, followed up the progress between the two parties after the meeting and arranged offline negotiation meetings for both parties to consolidate the results of the connection.

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会议结束后,由于团队的积极跟进及帮助,对接的几位买家分别就不同的产品和销售渠道,与爱尔兰Fat Frog品牌方达成了合作共识,有望在今年上半年正式开展合作及品牌的推广。目前,双方依然在为今年的合作紧锣密鼓地筹备着,Fat Frog产品有望在今年正式亮相中国市场,让更多的中国消费者体验来自爱尔兰的美味。

After the meeting, due to the active follow-up and assistance of Food2China team, some buyers reached a cooperation consensus with Fat Frog brand in Ireland on different products and sales channels. It is expected to officially carry out cooperation and brand promotion in the first half of this year, and is expected to be launched in China this year, so that more Chinese consumers can experience the delicious taste of Ireland.

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Fat Frog品牌对本次线上对接会的组织工作给予了高度评价,并表示未来将继续携手广东省进口食品协会及Food2China开展其它产品的推广及对接中国市场活动。未来,Food2China团队将继续携手广东省进口食品协会与更多优质的海外食品品牌或外国驻华使领馆及相关贸易促进组织合作,为进口商提供丰富、优质的进口食品资源,将独特、美味的地方特色食品引进中国市场。

Fat Frog teamspoke highly of the online matchmaking and said that it will continue to cooperate with GDIFA andFood2Chinato promote and bring other products to China market. In the future, Food2China team will continue to work with Guangdong Imported Food Association to cooperate with more high-quality overseas food brands or foreign embassies and consulates in China and relevant trade promotion organizations to provide importers with rich and high-quality imported food resources and bring unique and delicious local food into the Chinese market.

中食展(广州)Food2China Expo暨广州国际食品食材展、Wine to China酒展将于2023年9月21日至9月23日在广州保利世贸博览馆举办。



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邮箱 expo@food2china.com

中食展(广州)Food2China Expo will be held at Poly World Trade Expo in Guangzhou from September 21 to 23. We welcome you to seize the opportunity of the great recovery in the China market.

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World Ex-SingEx Exhibitions (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd;



Guangdong (China) Imported Food Association


Email expo@food2china.com