

Scientistsresurrectthe taste ofmammothinlab-grownmeatball
【1】Amammothmeatballhas been created by acultivatedmeat company, resurrecting thefleshof the longextinctanimals. The project aims todemonstratethepotentialof meat grown from cells, without theslaughterof animals, and to highlight the link between large-scale livestock production and thedestructionof wildlife and the climate crisis.
【2】Themeatballwas produced by Vow Food, an Australian firm, which is taking a different approach toculturedmeat. There are scores of companies working onreplacementsforconventionalmeat, such as chicken, pork and beef. But Vow isaimingto mix and match cells fromunconventionalspecies to create new kinds of meat. The firm has alreadyinvestigatedthepotentialof more than50species, includingalpaca,peacock,kangaroo, crocodile,buffaloand different types of fish. Their firstcultivatedmeat to be sold todinerswill be Japanesequail, which they expect will be in restaurants in Singapore this year.
这种肉丸是由澳大利亚细胞培养肉公司Vow Food生产的,该公司采用了一种不同的方法制造人造肉。目前有数十家公司正在研发鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉等传统肉类的替代品。但Vow Food的目标是混合和匹配非传统物种的细胞,以创造新型肉类。该公司已经调查了50多个物种的潜在潜力,包括羊驼、孔雀、袋鼠、鳄鱼、水牛和各种鱼类。他们第一批出售给食客的人造肉会是日本鹌鹑,预计今年将在新加坡的餐厅开始出售。
【3】“We have a behaviour-change problem when it comes to meatconsumption,” said George Peppou, the CEO of Vow Food. “The goal is totransitiona few billion meat-eaters away from eating [conventional] animalproteinto eating things that can be produced inelectrifiedsystems. And we believe the best way to do that is to invent meat. We look for cells that are easy to grow, really tasty andnutritious, and then mix and match those cells to create really tasty meat.”
Vow Food首席执行官乔治·佩普(George Peppou)说:“我们在肉类消费方面存在行为改变的问题。我们的目标是让数十亿肉食者从食用[传统的]动物蛋白转变为食用可以在电气化系统中生产的东西。我们相信最好的办法就是造肉。我们寻找容易培养、真正美味且有营养的细胞,然后将这些细胞混合搭配,创造出真正美味的肉。”
【4】Tim Noakesmith, who co-founded Vow Food with Peppou, said: “We chose thewoollymammothbecause it’s asymbolofdiversityloss and asymbolof climate change.” Thecreatureis thought to have been driven toextinctionabout4,000years ago byhuntingand the warming of the world after the last ice age. Plant-basedalternativesto meat are now common butculturedmeat replicates the taste ofconventionalmeat.cultivatedmeat – chicken from Good Meat – iscurrentlysold only to consumers in Singapore, but two companies have now passed an approval process in the US. In2018, another company used DNA from anextinctanimal to creategummybears made from gelatine from amastodon, anotherelephant-like animal.
与佩普共同创立Vow Food的蒂姆·诺克史密斯(Tim Noakesmith)说:“我们选择猛犸象是因为它是多样性丧失和气候变化的象征。”这种生物被认为是在大约4000年前由于狩猎和最后一个冰河时代后全球变暖而灭绝的。以植物为基础的肉类替代品现在很常见,但人造肉复刻了传统肉类的味道。来自Good meat(美国新蛋白公司EatJust旗下培养肉品牌)的人造鸡肉目前只卖给新加坡的消费者,但两家公司现在已经通过了美国的审批程序。2018年,另一家公司使用一种已灭绝动物DNA(脱氧核糖核酸),另一种类似大象的乳齿象的明胶制作了小熊软糖。
【5】Vow Food worked with Prof Ernst Wolvetang, at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering at the University of Queensland, to create themammothmuscleprotein. His team took the DNA sequence formammothmyoglobin, a keymuscleproteinin giving meat itsflavour, andfilledin the few gaps usingelephantDNA. This sequence was placed in myoblaststemcells from a sheep, whichreplicatedto grow to the20bn cellssubsequentlyused by the company to grow themammothmeat. “It wasridiculouslyeasy and fast,” said Wolvetang. “We did this in a couple of weeks.” Initially, the idea was to produce dodo meat, he said, but the DNAsequencesneeded do not exist. No one has yet tasted themammothmeatball. “We haven’t seen thisproteinfor thousands of years,” said Wolvetang. “So we have no idea how our immune system wouldreactwhen we eat it. But if we did it again, we couldcertainlydo it in a way that would make it morepalatabletoregulatorybodies.”
Vow Food与昆士兰大学澳大利亚生物工程研究所的厄恩斯特·沃尔夫唐(Ernst Wolvetang)教授合作,制造出猛犸象肌肉蛋白。他的团队提取了猛犸象肌红蛋白的DNA序列,这是赋予肉类风味的关键肌肉蛋白质,并用大象的DNA填补了少数序列空白。该序列被放入羊的成肌细胞干细胞中,这些细胞经过复制,产生了200亿个细胞,随后该公司用这些细胞培育出猛犸象肉。沃尔夫唐说:“整个过程非常简单和快速。我们只用了几周时间就完成了。”他说,最初的想法是生产渡渡鸟肉,但所需的DNA序列并不存在。还没有人尝过猛犸肉丸。沃尔夫唐说:“我们已经几千年没见过这种蛋白质了。所以我们不知道当我们吃它时,我们的免疫系统会如何反应。但如果我们再做一次,我们肯定会以一种更能让监管机构接受的方式来做。”


1.原文:The project aims to demonstrate the potential of meat grown from cells, without the slaughter of animals, and to highlight the link between large-scale livestock production and the destruction of wildlife and the climate crisis.

词典:aim to计划,打算;目标在于……;以……为目标

例句:Weaim tobring down prices on all our computers.


2.原文:Their first cultivated meat to be sold to diners will be Japanese quail, which they expect will be in restaurants in Singapore this year.

词典:Japanese quail日本鹌鹑

例句:It provided objective evidences for resuming the size of wildJapanese quailand protecting wild Japanese quails.


3.原文:There are scores of companies working on replacements for conventional meat, such as chicken, pork and beef.

词典:scores of许多,大量,几十

例句:He had mentoredscores ofyounger doctors.


4.原文:Plant-based alternatives to meat are now common but cultured meat replicates the taste of conventional meat.

词典:cultured meat人造肉、培养肉

例句:Mironov is one of only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineeringcultured meat.


5.原文:This sequence was placed in myoblast stem cells from a sheep, which replicated to grow to the 20 bn cells subsequently used by the company to grow the mammoth meat.

词典:stem cell[细胞] 干细胞,骨髓干细胞

例句:Stem cellresearch is supported by many doctors.



1. 原文:The meatballwas produced byVow Food, an Australian firm, whichis taking a different approach to cultured meat.

分析:本句非限定性定语从句和被动语态。开头“The meatball”是主语,“was produced by”是被动语态;“Vow Food”是宾语,,“an Australian firm”是“Vow Food”的同位语,“which”引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中做主语,定语从句对先行词“Vow Food”进行解释说明。

译文:这种肉丸是由澳大利亚的细胞培养肉公司Vow Food生产的,该公司采用了一种不同的方法制造人造肉。

2.原文:This sequencewas placedin myoblast stem cellsfrom a sheep, which replicated to grow to the 20 bn cells subsequently used by the company to grow the mammoth meat.

分析:本句包含非限定性定语从句,“This sequence”是主语,“was placed”是被动语态,“myoblast stem cells”是先行词;“which”引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中做主语,定语从句对先行词进行解释说明。



一只猛犸肉丸的制作引发了全球对细胞培养肉产品是否在社会未来中有一席之地的讨论,同时意大利政府正在寻求禁止在欧洲国家销售人造肉。但在澳大利亚,当地的人造肉公司,如Vow Food和Magic Valley,仍在不断突破创新,寻求获得监管部门的批准,将他们的人造肉产品上架超市。 悉尼的人造肉公司Vow Food制作了一只猛犸肉丸,旨在引发关于动物农业及其如何导致气候变化危机的讨论。该公司的世界首创项目在荷兰的一个科学博物馆Nemo展出,目的是展示人造肉如何应对环境破坏的潜力,而已经灭绝的毛象象征着地球动物多样性的丧失。人造培养肉,也称为培养或细胞培养肉,是由动物细胞制成的,不需要杀害牲畜就能生产。为了制作这个肉丸,Vow Food利用非洲象基因组中的信息,填补了猛犸象肌红蛋白DNA序列中的空缺。科学家们将合成的基因插入了一个羊肌肉细胞中,然后在实验室中培养。Vow Food成立于2019年,开始用猪肉和袋鼠细胞生产实验室培养的肉类,并自此扩大了菜单,包括兔子、老鼠、山羊、水牛和羊驼。四个月前,该公司在Blackbird和Prosperity7Ventures领投的A轮融资中筹集了7340万美元。 “Vow的使命是为数十亿人类提供食物。我们想改变每个人对肉类是什么以及它能成为什么的看法。”Vow联合创始人Tim Noakesmith在展示项目的视频中说。“培养肉显著降低了通常与普通肉类生产相关的气候影响。”



【2】澳大利亚的Vow Food食品公司对人造肉的研究。

【3】Vow Food食品公司的目标。



