讨厌女人的男人: 非自愿独身男性的厌女

论文来源:New Media & Society

·研究对象:非自愿独身男性:无法建立异性恋关系的在线男性社群。(involuntarily celibates- “incels” 非自愿独身)



·发现:几乎所有积极用户都使用厌女的词汇,并且这些厌女词汇的使用不会影响发帖频率,也就是说,这个社群集合了厌女者而不是塑造了厌女者(members arrive rather than become misogynistic)




·交叉性理论:misogyny is never just misogyny, but also shaped by other forms of oppression; incel misogyny orients to a matrix of domination, wherein all women are denigrated, but women of color are doubly denigrated through a combination of racism and sexism.

·Hegemonic masculinity is not a trait or a type of man, but rather is a set of practices that legitimate and maintain unequal gender relations, including unequal relations between groups of men; as practices that advance the subjugation of women

·Halpin (2022) argues that incels weaponize their subordination, as they strategically position themselves as subordinate “failed men” to justify their hegemonic practices, such as endorsing interpersonal and systematic violence against women.

·Emphasized femininity: a counterpart to hegemonic masculinity, that is defined by nurturing, empathizing, and taking a submissive orientation toward men and their needs.

·Pariah femininities: socially undesirable forms of femininities

·Hostile sexism: aggressive misogyny that situates women as controlling, manipulative, and subhuman

·Benevolent sexism: endorses complementary gender roles and frames women as requiring men’s protection.





这篇论文主要讨论了Judith Butler在Gender Trouble和Bodies That Matter里面的理论,辅以对《白莲花度假村》的解读,对酷儿理论、性别研究、文化研究感兴趣的朋友可以读读~

结尾对于Butler 性别理论的评价

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