Please scroll down for the English version -UNNC alumna generously donates RMB 1 million to support innovation at the university.












University of Nottingham Ningbo China alumna generously donates RMB 1 million to support innovation at the university

On 16 September, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) Alumni Donation Ceremony took place at the UNNC library. In the presence of local government leaders and senior university staff, and alongside almost one hundred UNNC alumni, alumna Han Chen presented a donation of RMB 1 million to Professor Sam Shen, the Party Secretary and Chairman of UNNC Education Foundation. This marks the first time UNNC has received donation of a million from a member of the alumni community.

Attendees included Niu Hongbo, member of the Party Group, Vice Chairman, and Secretary-General of the Ningbo Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Professor Nick Miles, Provost of UNNC, Professor Phillip Seltsikas, the Vice Provost for Teaching at UNNC, Professor Tao Wu, UNNC Vice Provost and Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, James Birkett, the Registrar of UNNC as well as faculty leaders and representatives from Business Development Office, Sports Centre, Research and Knowledge Exchange and staffers from Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO).

Han Chen’s generous donation will be used to establish the UNNC Li Dak Sum Incubator Innovation Studio – Chen Han Fund, providing students with opportunities to engage with digital assets, participate in innovation practices, and industry internships, nurturing young innovative talents with a sense of social responsibility and professional execution. Additionally, it will support industry research conducted by the UNNC Li Dak Sum Incubator.

During the donation ceremony, Professor Sam Shen delivered a speech, expressing gratitude for her generous donation. He stated, “Today is a special occasion where we witness the first major donation from our UNNC alumni. Since UNNC Education Foundation was established, we have received a lot of support from generous people and organisations. The donations we receive help UNNC in many ways. They give us resources to research, exchange knowledge, improve education, and make our campus better. The support provided by Ms Chen represents a comprehensive investment in the future generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. Together, we will nurture a generation of talented individuals who embody creativity, critical thinking, and a passion for making a positive impact on society.” Professor Shen finished his speech by calling on UNNC alumni and friends to continue to be part of the Nottingham journey – working together to make UNNC and the global community even better through initiatives such as the Alumni and Friends Fund campaign.

Han Chen also shared some words, saying: “Innovation is the driving force behind social progress. I hope to establish a Fund to support innovative ideas and academic achievements.” She also expressed that UNNC had played a crucial role in her educational journey and personal growth and hopes that through this donation, she can give back to her alma mater and help more students bravely pursue their innovative dreams, contributing to the development of the university and society.

For many years, UNNC has been committed to cultivating outstanding talents with an international perspective, innovative capabilities, and a sense of social responsibility. To achieve this, the university provides abundant opportunities for students and staff to engage in entrepreneurial and innovative activities, and has achieved significant accomplishments in commercialising research results and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. Through collaborations with businesses and various sectors of society, UNNC has successfully incubated multiple technology innovation enterprises, driving the development of related industries. These innovative enterprises not only advance technological progress and applications but also create employment opportunities, promoting local economic growth.

The university sincerely appreciates and expresses heartfelt gratitude for the generous support from Han Chen and her recognition of the importance of international education and research. This support is made all the more special by her alumni status – her donation not only gives back to her alma mater but also recognises UNNC's achievements in research result commercialisation and entrepreneurship and innovation. The Chen Han Fund will facilitate further commercial applications of research achievements, cultivate more innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and further contributions to socioeconomic development.

It is fantastic to have the continued relationship and support of the Nottingham community and current and former students, the Nottingham alumni. The university hopes to continue this work together to make global changes and solve real world important issues in partnership with the alumni community and its generous support and vision.

图文来源 | DARO






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