Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC student wins a global championship in “Speak Out for Engineering” competition.






这是不久前在英国伦敦举行的Speak Out for Engineering(直译:为工程发声,后文简称SOfE)2023年全球总决赛现场上的一幕。经过重重突围,来自宁波诺丁汉大学(简称宁诺)数学与应用数学专业的大二学生江笑作为东北亚赛区的获胜者,与来自全球其它赛域的七位年轻工程师和学生同台竞技。最终,作为本届比赛最年轻的参赛选手,江笑凭借着精彩的演讲斩获全球总决赛桂冠。



英国机械工程师协会数字、数据与创新主任Jake Fraser是本届赛事的评委之一。他盛赞道:“江笑在决赛中展示了非凡的创造力。通过巧妙而务实的思考和策划,她对每个工程师都熟知的基本原理进行了一场精彩的演讲。”



此次夺魁,江笑心怀感恩地说:“我想特别感谢机械、材料与制造工程系的Gavin Lai博士。自校内选拔赛胜出后,他始终鼓励我勇往直前、突破自我,还专门为我梳理演讲逻辑,构建了更为完整的框架。这为我在复杂的赛制中赢得比赛打下了坚实的基础。”


UNNC student wins a global championship in “Speak Out for Engineering” competition

Xiao Jiang, a year two Mathematics with Applied Mathematics student at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), stood out from the eight candidates hailing from around the world and won the global championship in the 2023 "Speak Out for Engineering" speech competition.

Organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), “Speak Out for Engineering” is a competition with a history of approximately 60 years, designed for young engineers to help them develop verbal and visual communication in explaining technical mechanical engineering related subjects.

Xiao learned Bernoulli’s Principle in the Foundation Science A module in year one. “It was a key concept in fluid dynamics and can be used to explain many phenomena in daily life,” Xiao recalled her inspiration of her presentation in the global final. She fully utilised her painting skills and added a number of original hand drawn illustrations into her presentation, making the seemingly complex and boring (to some) physical principle appealing and attractive to the layman. Such an innovative and efficient approach, combined with logical and fluent communications, Xiao’s performance was naturally highly recognised by the jury.

Jake Fraser, Director of Digital, Data and Innovation at the IMechE and one of the judges of the competition, said: “Xiao demonstrated exceptional creativity, thoughtful pragmatism, and delivered an excellent presentation on a fundamental principle all engineers should know.”

When speaking of her championship, Xiao was also grateful for the support she received from the university. “Dr Gavin Lai from the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering has kept encouraging me since I excelled from the campus competition. He also helped me to organise the logic of my presentation, suggested me to add the future outlook of the Bernoulli’s Principle into my speech and guided me to polish my PPT slides.”

In addition, Xiao mentioned that the Oral Communication Skills A module in the preliminary year greatly improved her communications and presentation skills. “Also, studying and living in an English environment allowed me to communicate freely with candidates from all around the world.” Xiao believed that the diverse and open campus environment and the English-teaching programme at UNNC laid a great base for her personal capabilities and prepared her for a broader future.

图文来源 | Zimeng Wang, Patrick CAI, Elena Yang






 世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军
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世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军

 世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军
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世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军

 世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军
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世界冠军!宁诺学子斩获“Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军

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