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“众峰如相揖逊,万树相从,如大军领卒,森然有不可犯之色,此写真山之形也。”在此篇《写山水诀》中,黄公望挪用了风水的意象,以 “写真山之形”比喻山水画中隐藏的宇宙秩序。“真山”是道教中一哲学概念,指超越现象界的无形之山。道教认为,一切可见之现象,都只是暂时的、阶段性的,而真正的“真形”,或许是超脱了现象界的“无形”,“真形”也是道教徒修炼的最高境界。因此,“真山”并非指具体的地理山岳,而是指一种精神上的存在,一种形而上的体悟,是与道合真的境界。





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"The peaks of the mountains are like greeting each other, and all the trees follow each other, like a great army leading pawns, and there is an unoffendable look in the forest, and this is also the shape of the real mountains." In this essay, "The Skill of Writing Landscape," Huang Gongwang appropriates the imagery of feng shui and uses the metaphor of "writing the shape of the true mountain" to describe the cosmic order hidden in landscape painting. The term "true mountain" is a philosophical concept in Taoism that refers to an invisible mountain that transcends the phenomenal realm. Taoism believes that all visible phenomena are only temporary and phases, while the real "true form" may be the "formlessness" that transcends the phenomenal world, and the "true form" is the highest level of Taoist cultivation. The "true form" is also the highest state of Taoist cultivation. Therefore, the "true mountain" does not refer to specific geographical mountains, but refers to a spiritual existence, a metaphysical realization, is the realm of the truth with the Tao.

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Fu Shan called himself "Zhen Shan" after the Qing soldiers entered the country, which was probably an attempt to see the illusions of the world and devote himself to the invisible Way. In this exhibition, we have selected the works of many contemporary Chinese painting artists, who try to write the true form of the mountain, to realize the nature, the universe and the life, and strive to break through all the tangible things, to write the unknowable from the Middle Ages in the contemporary context, and to open up the boundaries of the contemporary Chinese paintings, which present the diversity and creativity, and become the dialogue between the traditional culture and the present society thousands of years apart.

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Artists start from the heart and use their unique perspectives and languages to explore and express their understanding and attitudes towards the landscape and beyond. Some of them continue the traditional brush and ink techniques and compositional rules of landscape painting, some of them break through the form and content of traditional landscape painting, and some of them integrate elements and concepts of Western painting. Their works are as simple as depicting and imagining the world, and as profound as telling the world's conditions, customs, and thoughts. Such reinterpretation and re-creation of Chinese painting tries to break through the constraints of image and achieve the freedom of meaning, and at the same time invariably counteracts the visual remodeling of landscape painting. Artists turned to the exploration of heart and truth. Not a rejection of tradition, but a contribution to the contemporary. Not an imitation of the West, but a manifestation of the East, which is the experimental spirit of Chinese painting.

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According to Plato, the things that exist in the world of the senses are imperfect and changing, while the ideas that exist in the world of reason are true and eternal. These ideas not only exist outside the mind, but also constitute a rational world independent of the material world. By recognizing the self and expressing the world, it reflects the thoughts and feelings that Chinese artists are trying to construct in contemporary society, and also shows their vision and pattern in cross-culture and cross-era, plunging into the connection between the self and the thousands of worlds. It is not a simplification of the self and the world, but a complication of the self and the world.

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The artists are aware of their mind and see their nature, and write their mind with brush and ink. Once the consciousness is formed, the form is also available, and thus these twenty pieces of works are created. The BIMO Gallery aims to explore the naturalness of art and integrate it with the space of Electric Soul ZIZAILI, and the permanent exhibition of BIMO - ZIZAINew Space is a new opening, hoping to follow the purity of naturalness and to roam the heart in the extreme of the true form.




A Permanent Exhibition in Bimo·Zizai New Space


朱 靖 刘张蕾

Produce by Zhu Jing , Liu Zhanglei



Curated by Wu Yanru


因 子

Visual Design by Yin Zi


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Bimo·Zizai New Space, 1st Floor, Building B, Electronic Soul Tower,

No. 27 Juye Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China.
