
Amidst the "double carbon" goals, Suzhou has seized the "new opportunity" for green energy development. The photovoltaic industry is experiencing rapid growth. Giant enterprises like Aters, GCL New Energy, and Suzhou Energy Development Group is leading the way through significant innovation, forming a relatively complete industrial chain with a focus on photovoltaic cells and modules, supplemented by silicon wafers, photovoltaic glass, encapsulant films, silver paste, etc.. The industrial chain has seen coordinated development along the upstream and downstream sectors, fostering an ecosystem with well-integrated industries, concentrated business development, and leading technological capabilities, establishing the "Photovoltaic Capital" pattern. By June 2023, Suzhou had achieved 2.6572 million KW of distributed photovoltaic capacity. Projections indicate that by the close of 2025, this capacity will soar to 4.5 million KW, constituting 15% of the local generating units.

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