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"Fine, Zhou Sen, if you won't say it, then I'll go talk to your parents!"

I angrily opened the door and walked straight to Zhou Auntie and Uncle.

"Auntie, Uncle, Zhou Sen has conveyed your thoughts to me. My answer is, we will maintain the status quo and get married; if not, I won't marry this man!" I suppressed my anger as much as possible, maintaining my last hint of dignity.

Auntie Zhou gently pulled me to sit on the couch. "Nan Nan, listen to Auntie. As you know, our family has been facing difficulties due to the pandemic recently. Since you happen to be pregnant and it's already confirmed that you and Zhou Sen will get married, we thought of reducing the dowry to 30,000 yuan, and we will provide the remaining 50,000 yuan later. As for the dowry from both families, you can directly buy a car after marriage. This way, it will be convenient for Zhou Sen to accompany you for check-ups, and our family can also go on self-driving tours together in the future."

"But Auntie, why should my family contribute less for the dowry? And we had already agreed on this before, why are you changing your mind now that I'm pregnant?" I asked with a cold tone.

"Oh, Nan Nan, isn't your family more affluent?" Auntie Zhou lightly patted my back, comforting me.

Looking at her hypocritical appearance, I replied with an icy voice, "I said, we will get married while maintaining the original plan, otherwise, cancel the wedding."

Perhaps sensing my determination, Auntie Zhou finally dropped her gentle facade. "Nan Nan, do you think you're still worth 80,000 yuan now? If you don't marry Zhou Sen and go out while pregnant, who would want you? If you have an abortion, as a woman who has undergone the procedure, how many men won't despise you? By then, don't even think about getting 30,000 yuan dowry, you won't even get 10,000 yuan!"

So, this is how she sees me.

I didn't know when Zhou Sen had come out of the room. He sat in a corner of the couch, not uttering a word.

I looked at him, tears filled my eyes, blurring his face.

The person who had promised not to let me suffer injustice was now silently watching his mother oppress me, using his silence to prove his initial promise.

I stared at him for a few minutes, but he still remained silent.

My heart gradually turned cold. I wiped away my tears and turned to Auntie Zhou. "Auntie Zhou, thank you for your troubles. Don't worry about whether I can get married in the future, there are plenty of people who want to marry me. I'll stick to what I said, maintain the original plan - get married, otherwise, there's no point in discussing it!"

After saying that, I packed my things and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, I saw Zhou Sen stand up from the couch, wanting to catch up to me, but his mother's words made him backtrack. "Are you going to chase after such an unreasonable woman? Do you want to see your mother be driven to death by you?"

I looked back at him, and he silently lowered his head.

In that moment, I heard the sound of my heart breaking.


After leaving Zhou's house, I aimlessly walked to the front of our new home with Zhou Sen.

The lamp that once symbolized happiness and warmth now felt incredibly cold and dark.

I didn't want to go back, so I immediately called my mom. "Mom, I want to stay at home tonight."

Because I had just cried, my voice still carried traces of tears.