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Firstly, test the reaction speed and accuracy of fingerprint unlocking. First, let the salesperson enter your fingerprint, which is also a step to verify the fingerprint lock function. When recording fingerprints, observe the difficulty of the salesperson entering fingerprints. If a fingerprint cannot be recognized multiple times, it is almost certain that the resolution of the fingerprint lock is not high (the higher the resolution, the more accurate the identification, the faster the response, and the better the security). Currently, the industry standard for fingerprint lock resolution is 500dpi, and the highest standard that can be achieved is 560dpi of the Digier fingerprint lock. After entering the fingerprint, randomly test the fingerprint lock's recognition and response speed to the correct fingerprint. If it is opened immediately with a finger, its response speed will be faster, otherwise it will be slower. The faster the response speed, the higher the resolution and the better the lock performance. Similarly, if true and false fingerprints can be quickly identified, then their accuracy is good, and vice versa. It is best to try multiple times during testing, as only by doing so can one better identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Secondly, test the magnetic card and password to unlock. The testing method for magnetic card unlocking and fingerprint unlocking is the same, which also tests their reaction speed and accuracy. Authorized and unauthorized magnetic cards are tested separately in the magnetic card area to observe the lock's reaction and recognition of the magnetic card. If the reaction speed is fast, the performance of the lock is good, and vice versa. Password opening is also a test of reaction speed and accuracy, and the testing method is also alternating between correct and incorrect methods. The faster the reaction speed, the higher the technical content, and the higher the accuracy, the higher the security.

(3) Look at the plug

When buying a fingerprint lock, besides looking at the lock body, the insert is also a very important part, which is often overlooked by consumers. There are three ways to look at the plug: first, look at the material of the plug, second, look at the locking point of the plug, and third, look at the function of the plug.

At first glance, the material of the plug is divided into three types, namely plastic, alloy, and stainless steel, just like the shell. Generally, the plug is not electroplated and can be easily identified by consumers. Due to the placement of the plug inside the door, many enterprises are relatively casual about the material of the plug. In the industry, stainless steel is generally used inside the plug, but the outer shell of the plug is made of alloy or plastic. This type of plug not only has weak resistance to violence, but also weak fire resistance, which is not conducive to safety. The Digier fingerprint lock is the only product in the industry with all inserts made of stainless steel, and its firmness and fire resistance are dozens of times higher than ordinary materials.

Second, check the locking point: In addition to checking the material, attention should also be paid to the locking point of the plug. The locking points of fingerprint lock inserts are mainly divided into two types: single tongue and multiple locking points. The safety of a single tongue lock core is inferior to that of a multi lock point lock, and its anti prying and explosion-proof performance is also poor. It is generally used more in developed countries abroad and regions such as Japan and South Korea, and is not suitable for the complex security environment in China. Therefore, it is recommended that domestic consumers have a clear view of the insert when choosing a fingerprint lock, and choose a multi lock point insert with explosion-proof and anti prying performance.

Three functions: Currently, the plug-in cores on the market are generally divided into hotel lock plug-in cores, upward lifting plug-in cores, large tongue automatic pop-up plug-in cores, and multi lock point self popping plug-in cores. The hotel lock core can be pried open with a card, which has poor safety performance; When using the pull-up plug, it is necessary to lift the handle up to lock the door when closing it, which can easily cause people to forget to lock and does not conform to consumer usage habits;


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