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Spring returns to the earth, all things revive, and a new semester arrives as promised.

According to the Notice on Comprehensive Supervision of the Spring School Opening Work in 2024 (Zheng Zhengjiao Supervision Office [2024] No. 3), in order to solidly prepare for the spring school opening work in 2024 and maintain a safe and stable situation of the Zhengzhou education system, following the principle of "entering the door once and investigating multiple issues", on the afternoon of March 1st, the supervision team of the municipal and district education bureaus visited Zhengzhou Cstar City Forest School, Conduct comprehensive supervision and guidance on all aspects of our school's opening work. Sun Lihong, the principal of our school's middle school department, and relevant officials from each department accompanied and supervised the entire process.

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The purpose of this inspection is to ensure the orderly progress of various school opening work, including the preparation of teaching facilities, the return of teachers and students, and campus safety. The supervision team of the Municipal Education Bureau comprehensively understood the implementation of various education and teaching activities in our school during the start of the semester through on-site visits, reports, and inspections.

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During the supervision process, the supervision team highly praised the highlights and achievements of our school in the opening work, and also highly praised our school's strict safety measures and orderly opening work. They believe that our school has made sufficient preparations before the start of the school year, with complete teaching facilities, clean campus environment, and orderly return of teachers and students, demonstrating a good educational style of our school.

At the same time, the supervision team has also put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the problems and shortcomings in our school's opening work. They hope that our school can further strengthen teaching management, improve the quality of education and teaching, and provide a better learning and living environment for teachers and students.

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For the guidance and suggestions from the supervision team, our school has stated that it will carefully absorb them, make timely corrections, and ensure continuous improvement in future work, contributing greater strength to the education cause of the whole city.

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On a journey of thousands of miles, the wind is strong, and the heavy responsibility is daunting.

A new semester, a new beginning. One supervision, one improvement. Our school will take this supervision as an opportunity, continue to strive with higher standards, stricter requirements, and better services, be pragmatic and innovative, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of the school with more enthusiasm and more refined management.
