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11日上午,在韩国水原市地方法院因夜间违法外出而受到起诉的“素媛案”强奸犯赵斗淳,在首次公开审理结束后,回答记者提问 图源:韩联社‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Convicted child rapist Cho Doo-soon has been placed behind bars again after receiving a three-month jail term, Wednesday, for breaking his court-mandated curfew.


Cho was accused of breaching a legal order not to leave his home between 9 pm and 6 am. He was indicted for leaving his residence in Ansan, Gyeonggi province, around 9:05 pm on Dec 4 last year.


On that day, Cho wandered outside of his house alone for a few minutes before his probation officers spotted him via surveillance cameras. He told officers that he left home after a squabble with his wife, and stayed outside for about 40 minutes in total.



The court also noted that Cho has shown no signs of remorse for violating the curfew. He requested reduced fines from the investigative authorities and prosecutors, and complained that he had no choice but to leave the house due to his wife. Violation of the electronic anklet law and related curfews carries a penalty of up to one year of imprisonment or a fine of up to 10 million won ($7,460.) Explaining their decision to imprison him once again, the court deemed that imposing a fine would be insufficient punishment considering Cho's economic status.



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Cho was released from prison in December 2020 after serving a 12-year term for raping an eight-year-old girl in 2008. The convict, then 57, violently raped the child in a church restroom in Ansan after kidnapping her while she was on her way to school. The victim was left with injuries so severe that they resulted in permanent internal damage.

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赵斗淳 图源:SBS电视台


Following his release, Cho was subject to strict probation rules, including the requirement of wearing the electronic anklet for seven years. Due to the concerns of neighbors, the city government installed additional surveillance cameras near his house and the police assigned probation officers to monitor him around the clock via these cameras.

编辑:朱迪齐 李雪晴


来源:环球时报 新京报 韩国时报