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March 25, 2024

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In many countries students who leave high school have no understanding of how to manage their money ?Why is this case? What can be done to improve students understanding of how to manage personal finance ?(2024/03/23)

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The prevailing reality that aballooningnumber of high school graduates lack a sound understanding of how to arrange money has come into stark relief as the economy continues toleap. Therefore, it is essential that we elaborate on an objective analysis of thelatentcauses of this occurrence and bring forwardviable remedies.



❖ ballooning adj.激增的;

❖ leap v.猛冲;剧增,猛涨;

❖ latent adj.潜在的,隐藏的;

❖ viable adj.可望成功的,切实可行的;

❖ remedy n.解决方法



Body 1

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In my understanding, there are numeroustriggerscontributing to this passive phenomenon. For starters, most high schools give priority to test scores over fostering students' financing planning, such as managing personal money. Due to the inescapable stress of exam-oriented and exercise-heavy curricula, studentssoaksolely in academic subjects and find it unrealistic toallotsufficient time and energy todabblein subjects irrelevant to their academic performance. It is thesheer disregardfor the education of financial arrangement that makes students scarcely have thefaintestidea of conducting finance.


Reason 1: 大多数高中优先关注学生考试成绩,而不是培养学生的财务规划;

❖ trigger n.(尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因,诱因;

❖ soak v.沉浸在(学习中);

❖ allot v.分配,分派,划拨;

❖ dabble v.涉猎,涉足;

❖ sheer adj.纯粹的,完全的;

❖ disregard n.漠视,轻视;

❖ faintest adj.一点也不的(用于否定句,加强语气);



Body 2

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Additionally, since wealth hasaccrued, many families are now able to provide their kids with anamplesubsistence withoutfretting aboutrunning out of money. Since their parents can take care of the financial needs when their children use up money, most adolescents take it for granted that there is no need creating a thorough strategy to make ends meet. Thecorollaryis that most students,pamperedby their parents, are unaware that it ispivotalto learn about financial responsibility.


Reason 2:许多家庭现在能够为他们的孩子提供充足的生存条件,孩子无需担心用光钱;

❖ accrue v.积累;形成;

❖ ample adj.充足的,充裕的;

❖ fret about 为……烦恼:对某事感到焦虑或担忧。

❖ corollary n.推论;必然的结果

❖ pampered vt.细心照顾,娇惯;

❖ pivotal adj.中枢的,关键的;




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It isimperativethat someefficacioussteps be taken in order to break through this tough nut. More specifically, students shouldbe enrolled incoursesgermaneto financial arrangement because apertinenteducation can help them acquire practical skills, including the capacity of handling money in a sensible manner. In the meantime, parents should make sure their kids are not given more money than they need in order for them to learn how to livefrugally. By combining these approaches, students' understanding of proper money management willbe ingrained intheir thoughts and then the young will become financiallyalert.



(1) 学校设置理财相关的课程;

(2) 父母应确保孩子不会得到超过其需求的额外资金,以培养他们理财的意识;

❖ imperative adj.极重要的,必要的;

❖ efficacious adj.有效的;

❖ be enrolled in 被正式录取到某个组织、学校、课程等中;

❖ germane adj.有密切关系的;贴切的;

❖ pertinent adj.切题的,相关的;

❖ frugally adv.节约地;节省地;

❖ be ingrained in 深植于;

❖ alert adj.警觉的;机敏的,敏捷的;意识到;




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