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2024年1月9-12日,2024年国际消费类电子产品展览会Flywheel受邀参与了CES 2024,并与亚马逊探讨了无Cookie趋势对广告行业的影响。此外,基于Flywheel数字商务解决方案,也梳理了CES 2024中的数字商务重要趋势,深入探讨电子商务数据,并对其未来影响进行了解读。

国际消费类电子产品展览会(Consumer Electronics Show,简称CES)在美国拉斯维加斯举行,该展会由美国电子消费品制造商协会(CTA)主办,旨在促进尖端电子技术和现代生活的紧密结合。



Flywheel x Amazon 高峰对话:没有Cookie的未来,如何连接广告主和发布商

Flywheel的首席产品官Christine Gambino与亚马逊广告进行了一场高峰对话。以下是一些要点:

关于智能联网电视(Connected TV):对于成熟的品牌而言,准确衡量绩效并正确归因至关重要。联网电视是一个出色的工具,可以帮助品牌减小这方面的差距,因为以往漏斗底层流量的衡量方式更多是基于概率而非确定性事件(即我们认为发生了什么而非既定现实)。例如,在手机购物和观看电视场景下,消费者更容易出现误点击或快速滚动的情况,继而给广告商造成成功的假象。我们一直与AMC合作,重新思考漏斗策略的归因方式,使我们能够以更确定的方式来回溯策略,从而问自己“到底发生了什么?”

关于在线识别消费者能力(Addressability):在线下的商业环境中,我们很难准确观察到消费者的真实购买路径。诸如AMC的数据无尘室(Clean Room)之类的服务最大好处在于,它们允许我们构建更加有效的受众。这种灵活性和可控性最终将为我们做出更明智的目标决策提供信息,减少广告浪费,并为构建完整的全漏斗广告活动奠定基础。我们相信,通过将媒体数据与覆盖整个购买路径的ASIN数据结合起来,我们将实现行业的下一个突破,并为此感到兴奋。

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1. 数据的价值与迭代:数据的价值比以往任何时候都更高,与此同时,品牌也需要最佳实时指标以验证投放的价值。这也是本次大会中广告商和平台的重点议程。尽管零售商一直以其优质数据和全链路闭环作为优势,但对零售媒体不断增加的投放金额,进一步推动了需求。许多合作伙伴谈到了他们正在迭代超越ROAS的指标体系,同时在研发新的竞价工具和衡量框架,以满足广告商的需求。

2. AI:尽管AI大多数场景中成为了宣传的噱头,但在展会现场、主题演讲和圆桌讨论中,我们仍然看到了AI对数字商务的落地应用。比如根据天气、社交媒体热度等预测订单需求的供应链系统,根据用户偏好调整的机器人,可以预测用户20年后相貌的全息图,基于先前投放结果不断优化的出价模型,总结出下一步计划的电子邮件等等。虽然也有关于AI负面影响的讨论,但我们看到的许多应用证实了AI将使我们的生活更加便利。

3. 关注线上广告(ATLAdvertising):消费者正被广告轰炸,因此他们正在不断尝试躲避或绕开广告,这迫使品牌和市场重新思考广告的关注点和衡量框架。优化策略将成为2024年漏斗广告的关键。

4. 社媒投放升级:社媒创作者们积累了极大的力量。头部KOL也需要销售数据来证明自己的价值,才能继续获得高佣金。以往品牌只和头部合作,随着资源整合和合作关系正在快速重组,高知名度不再是品牌寻找投放合作的唯一标准。

5. 超个性化:随着更多的数据、智能设备和大型语言模型的出现,一切都可以进行超个性化。不仅仅局限于定向的数字广告,还包括诸如数字展厅或生活中用的各类APP——比如回到家里,一旦摄像头识别出是你,它会根据你过去的互动偏好来设置室温、灯光、音乐,是否开启吸尘器等等。超个性化这将会出现在各种APP中。

6. 虚实结合:今年,技术将现实和数字以更先进的方式融合在一起。全息似乎成为今年的热门,与会者耐心地排队等待生成年轻版和年老版自己的图像,VR头戴设备和日常使用的智能眼镜随处可见。

7. 大规模监控追踪:事物的影响并不会局限于发生地,通过大规模的监控追踪,他们将联动在一块,赋予我们不断改进优化的能力:追踪爱犬在你出门时的饮食;智能植物APP可以跟踪植物的生长情况并调整灯光、养分;用带有摄像头的智能鸟食器来识别鸟的类型;智能个人护理设备确保你能正确使用。






更多信息请访问 https://progressivegrocer.com/albertsons-taps-criteo-power-retail-media-ecosystem




更多信息请访问 https://www.instacart.com/company/pressreleases/instacart-delivers-google-shopping-ads-for-its-cpg-partners-powered-by-its-retail-media-data/




更多信息请访问 https://corporate.walmart.com/news/2024/01/09/from-aisles-to-algorithms-walmarts-tech-forward-innovations-for-time-saving-shopping




Session Spotlight:Flywheelx Amazon on Connecting Advertisers and Publishers in a Cookie-less World

Christine Gambino, Chief Product Officer at Flywheel joined Amazon Ads for a fireside chat. Here are some of the highlights:

On Connected TV:It’s critical as mature brands invest in upper funnel that we can granularly measure the performance and correctly attribute sales. Connected TV is an excellent vehicle to bridge this gap for brands as upper funnel measurements have previously been more probabilistic vs deterministic (i.e. what we think happened vs. what definitely happened). Mobile shopping and TV viewing, for example, are more prone to errors where users accidentally click or quickly scroll through, giving the false impression of success for advertisers. We have been working with AMC to rethink how we attribute upper funnel tactics, which allows us to connect upper funnel tactics in a more deterministic, "what definitely happened?" way.

On Addressability:In the offline world, there are many journeys where we can’t truly see the customer path to purchase. The best part about clean rooms (like AMC) is they allow us to build more effective audiences. This flexibility and control ultimately informs smarter targeting decisions, reduces ad waste, and sets a proper foundation for building out full funnel campaigns. We believe our ability to combine media data signals together with ASIN level intelligence across the full path to purchase will be the next breakthrough for the industry that we are excited to crack.

Data and Deprecation:The value of data is higher than ever, but so is the need to provide the best real time metrics to prove out investment. This was at the top of the agenda for advertisers and platforms this week. While retailers have always touted their premium data and ability to close the loop, high investment in retail media is pushing the requirements even further. Many partners talked about evolving their metrics to go way beyond ROAS as well as touting new bidding tools and measurement frameworks that will go deeper into delivering against the needs of advertisers.

AI:Yes, we had to say it. While it can be used as a buzzword with no meaning behind it, we saw it come to life on the show floor and within many of the keynotes and panels; supply chain that predicts order needs based on weather, social media popularity and more, robots that adjust to your preferences, holograms that can predict how you may look in 20 years, bidding models that continuously optimize based on previous outcomes, emails summarized with next steps. While there was talk of the downsides of AI, many of the applications we saw confirmed that it will make our lives easier.

Focus on Above the Line Advertising:Consumers are getting bombarded with ads and are continuing to step back and find ways to bypass these outreaches - which is forcing brands and marketplaces to be more strategic in where they focus and how they measure. Optimization will be the key of 2024 for upper funnel advertising.

SocialUpleveling: Creators have amassed a ton of power. In order to continue demanding the fees that top talent gets, they need the sales data to prove it. Integrations and partnerships are being solidified quickly which will give brands the opportunity to ensure return on an investment that was previously limited to awareness.

Hyperpersonzlization:With more data, more smart devices and more tech backed by large language models, everything can be hyper personalized. This goes beyond targeted digital ads and becomes things like curated digital showrooms online or IRL applications - step into a room in your house and once cameras recognize that it is you, it sets the room temperature, lighting, music, runs the vacuum and more to your preferences based on your past interactions. This shows up in a myriad of applications.

Mixed Reality:Technology brought the blending of physical and digital together in more advanced forms this year. Holograms seemed to be all the rage this year as attendees patiently waited in lines to turn themselves into young and mature versions of themselves. Virtual reality headsets were all over the floor as well as the more practical smart glasses for everyday use.

Mass Monitoring/Tracking:What happens in…it doesn’t stay there because everything is being monitored, giving us the ability to continuously improve! Robots that watch your dog during the day - tracking what they eat; smartplants with apps to track growing and adjust lighting, food; smart bird feeders with cameras to capture the type of bird; personal care devices ensuring you're cleaning properly.

Albertsons Taps Criteo to Power RetailMediaEcosystem

Summary:Criteo will now power Albertsons’ on and off site inventory, allowing advertisers to use a simplified self-service tool to buy placements including search, sponsored video and display. Onsite search was previously powered by CitrusAd, while display was managed service.

Our take: As one of the first API partners to Criteo, we’re excited about this partnership which will unlock stronger efficiencies. Our JBP also unlocks advanced reporting for Albertsons, allowing us to action on insights more effectively.

Instacart Delivers Google Shopping Ads for Its CPG Partners, Powered by Its RetailMediaData

Summary:Google shopping ads will be available using Instacart’s retail media data.

Our take:We’ve seen this offering from other retailers and think it’s a great way for advertisers to bring their items to the top of product listing ads on Google to then drive to Instacart (likely not the right solution for DTC brands) and then receive closed loop reporting.

Walmart Launches GenAI-PoweredSearchExperience foriOSConsumers

Summary:Walmart announced quite a few new offerings during their Keynote, however, most relevant to retail media was their GenAI-powered search - an enhanced search experience that elevates the shopping experience, allowing customers to search by specific use cases (e.g.“best smart TV that’s 60in” or “football watch party”), generating more relevant and cross-category results. (note, still in BETA)

Our take:As Walmart continues to focus on upleveling the consumer experience, we think this will help further differentiate themselves from Amazon and other large players in the ecom space. This will be a great way to drive discovery based on data.

Omnicom Integrates Creators with Amazon Posts and Measures Influencer-Driven Commerce

Summary:Creator assets can be repurposed on the Amazon AdConsole for Posts, to reach shoppers with high performing creative, allowing advertisers to directly attribute sales to creators.

Our take:While social has historically been awareness driving, we’re very excited to bring proven influencer content closer to the point of conversion in a way that will allow us to analyze performance in the context of the broader Amazon marketplace.