
Here belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, warm and humid, abundant rainfall, cool wind in summer and snow in winter, local residents and more to farming, fishing for a living.

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The building fell on the mountain, in front of the first layer of falling farmland, and then a bay of green lake, and finally the view of the mountain above the dense forest. The natural endowments and humanistic scenery, like gifts, create a picture of peach blossom among mountains and rivers. This also determines the intention and tone of the architecture, landscape and interior design.

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This project is located on the hillside of Shanggu Back Mountain, Wuzhuang Village, Linqi Town, Chun 'an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with profound historical and cultural heritage. The history of Chun 'an County dates back to the Neolithic Age, indicating that the area has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The owner is a cheerful uncle with a rich life experience, his early years in business, but with the passing of time, he developed a strong interest in motorcycle travel. This lifestyle gives him the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures and landscapes. Eventually, he found a place in this land that resonated with his heart and decided to stop here and spend time with nature.

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The design of the courtyard adopts a linear arrangement of three individual buildings, which is a layout strategy to optimize the visual connection between the interior space and the surrounding landscape. Rather than letting the building disappear into a dense forest, the designers deliberately created a dialogue relationship with the natural environment.

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The intersection of the building, the interior space and the external environment in this element determines to a large extent the physical, spiritual and functional distribution of the building: we want to enter every room, there is a natural landscape.

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On the one hand, the design constantly emphasizes the importance of the element "window", while on the other hand, we want to weaken its sense of existence as much as possible, we want the "window" itself (window frame, glass, seam) to be invisible. Therefore, in detail processing, as far as possible through the line of sight organization, the use of structure, curtains, platforms and other elements of the occlusion to weaken the window frame and slit, so that it "does not exist".

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