
The historical transformation of the old factory area of Beijing Sanlu Factory is a typical case of industrial heritage regeneration. Such renovations often aim to preserve the historical character of the building while giving it new life and function. In this particular project, Shouzhi Wenke transformed this old factory site into an innovative development platform focused on disseminating and displaying the nation's intangible cultural heritage.

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In such a hotel with the theme of intangible cultural heritage, guests can not only enjoy a modern and comfortable accommodation experience, but also experience the traditional Chinese culture. Design integration: The design of the hotel integrates traditional architectural elements with modern design aesthetics, so as to reflect the inheritance and innovation of intangible cultural heritage. Cultural display: The hotel will have a dedicated exhibition space or gallery for displaying various intangible cultural heritage projects, such as handicrafts, folk art works, etc. Cultural activities: Various cultural activities and performances related to intangible cultural heritage are held regularly, such as opera performances, ethnic concerts, traditional festival celebrations, etc. Through such transformation and operation, the old factory is not only revitalized, but also becomes an important bridge between the past and the future, tradition and modernity, providing people with a unique cultural experience space.

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The original three groups of buildings on the site are three flat brick storeroom on the southeast side, two rows of brick mixed structure abandoned buildings with slope roofs on the west side and two floors of dormitory buildings at the bottom of the overpass. In the renovation design of Grand View Building, it is necessary to make orderly coexistence of three groups of buildings that are independent and dispersed and in different preservation states, and also to design different guest room styles according to local conditions. Show different intangible cultural heritage.

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A public space with a steel structure and a glass light roof is implanted in the site to connect the original three groups of buildings to form three inner courtyards, while the use of glass light roofs ensures the natural lighting of the guest rooms. The three interior courtyards are functionally distinct from each other and constitute the three public Spaces of the hotel: reception space, communication space and traffic space. We have retained the only Chinese toon tree in the site to make the indoor environment more vibrant due to the change of the seasons.

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The hotel has a total of 17 rooms, 6 types of units, each of which has different display and requirements for intangible cultural heritage, but they all need to be transformed into a comfortable living environment. Each unit can be designed around a specific intangible cultural element. For example, one house might focus on ceramic art, while another might be themed around traditional textile techniques. When designing, these elements can be incorporated into the room in the form of art, decoration or furniture.

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The design of each room needs to consider the balance between functionality and aesthetics, and how to create a unique and comfortable living environment through details. In this way, the hotel is not only able to provide guests with a comfortable stay experience, but also to educate and promote the value of intangible cultural heritage.

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