
AIGC, or "Artificial Intelligence Generated Content," has become a hot topic both within and outside the industry in the fields of media, film, and art. The fourth MEGA International Creative Media Festival -- Forum on Film, New Media, and Creative Technology will focus on the theme of "Trends and Opportunities in AIGC Development." This year's MEGA Summit Forum will delve into the application of artificial intelligence, discussing its use, ethics, opportunities, challenges, development, and trends.

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随着2022年Chat GPT 的横空出世,掀起了一波AIGC的新浪潮,DALL·E2、Midjourney、Notion AI、Tome AI 等 AIGC 应用产品更是喷涌而出,作为新一代人工智能技术,其应用对社会发展产生了深刻影响,在文化、传媒、影视及艺术领域已然成为了行业专业人士与学界探讨的热点。

Since the emergence of Chat GPT in 2022, it has sparked a new wave of AIGC, with applications such as DALL·E2, Midjourney, Notion AI, Tome AI, and others flooding the market. As a new generation of artificial intelligence technology, its application has profoundly influenced social development, becoming a hot topic of discussion among industry professionals and academia in the fields of culture, media, film, and art.

AIGC(Artificial intelligence Generated Content)是指利用人工智能技术自主生成独创性和价值性内容的新型生产方式,即人工智能生成内容。AIGC技术的核心思想是利用人工智能算法生成具有一定创意和质量的内容。通过训练模型和大量数据的学习,AIGC可以根据输入的条件或指导,生成与之相关的内容。例如,通过输入关键词、描述或样本,AIGC可以生成与之相匹配的文章、图像、音频等。

AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) refers to a novel production method that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to autonomously generate original and valuable content, namely content generated by artificial intelligence. The core idea of AIGC technology is to use artificial intelligence algorithms to generate content with a certain level of creativity and quality. Through model training and learning from large amounts of data, AIGC can generate content relevant to the input conditions or guidance. For example, by inputting keywords, descriptions, or samples, AIGC can generate articles, images, audio, and other content that matches them.


With its powerful productivity and diverse content production, AIGC has brought tremendous convenience to people's lives. The integration of AIGC technology not only effectively expands the extension of the creative industry but also imbues the content creation, production, and distribution processes with new connotations, injecting powerful momentum into industry innovation and development. However, it has also attracted attention in various aspects such as ethics, law, and social governance. The 4th MEGA International Creative Media Festival - Film and Television, New Media and Creative Technology Summit will be held at 2pm on May 11th in XJTLU Entrepreneur College, and will be simultaneously broadcast on NetEase platform.