
In the winter of the northern land, where the snow lies thick, the painter Jiang Naijun was born and raised, residing in the capital, yet his heart tied to the customs and landscapes of his native northeast. Jiang, a man of the northeast, has spent many years contemplating the depths of the plum blossom, his understanding profound, his love deep, his reverence profound.

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姜 乃 军



The plum blossom, to him, is not merely a subject of his art, but a solace to the soul, a source of enlightenment. He says, "To paint plums, one must embody the spirit of the plum, possess its essence." His words are profound, carrying deep meaning. The plums under Jiang's brush are not just forms, but possess emotions, possess spirit, representing noble sentiments. Although the plum is not native to the Northeast, in the spring, the mountains are adorned with myriad flowers, apricots and pears covering the slopes like a fairyland. The flowers in the mountains became the inspiration for Jiang's brush, seen as substitutes for plums, serving as models to begin depicting the plum in his heart. In the spring breeze of April, Jiang roams the mountains of his hometown, intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers, feeling as if he is within a painting. This painting is a testament to his longing for his homeland, his love for plum blossoms, his contemplation of life. Under Jiang's brush, the plum is not just a flower, but an expression of varied emotions, a sublimation of spirit. His work is not just praise for the plum, but a song of life.

The plum blossom, elegant and graceful, with its icy skin and lingering fragrance in the cold, has been praised by poets and painters throughout the ages. The spirit of the plum is precisely the embodiment of the indomitable character of the Northeastern man. Under his brush, the plum is broad and vigorous, steadfast and tenacious. Trimming the plum like snow and ice, with proud bones enduring frost, resonates with the vigor of the Northeastern man, celebrating the plum and himself, with simplicity and profound meaning, with heavy colors and deep emotions. The work "Plum Tree" is particularly reflective of Jiang's sentiments. He loves plums deeply, often likening himself to the spirit of the plum, hence his approach to portraying the plum is unique. While the plum is a common subject in traditional literati paintings, Jiang Naijun is not bound by tradition, boldly innovating in his brushwork. Red, white, green, and wax plums are all displayed, each revealing its own beauty. Every plum branch expresses taste, style,aesthetic, and thought, immersing people in its emotional connotations, making them unable to resist being drawn into the emotional depth emanating from the artwork. Moreover, due to Jiang's profound understanding of the plum, the plums under his brush exude even more spirit, possessing a contagious power. This power is an unstoppable infectious force, regardless of where they come from, regardless of their social status, or whether they understand the art of painting. This is Jiang's unique artistic style.

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Jiang's flower and bird paintings, whether vigorous or gentle, are not just forms without spirit, but depict the inner essence of life, freely expressing grand freehand brushwork, releasing emotions, allowing people to comprehend the soul-shaking impact, experience the mysterious realm. Inspired by emotion, guided by poetry and literature, blending ink and water, with a refined and graceful style. Ancient tree branches lying horizontally, vigorous and cold, weathered by the years, full of vitality, unrestrained and upright, upright and heroic. The plum in the painting has its own language, expressing emotions, revealing the expression of beauty and thoughts, captivating people, making them intoxicated and enchanted, unable to resist being immersed in it.

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Jiang is also well-versed in ancient studies, with extraordinary wisdom, and his brushwork all contains hidden passion. Even in the virtual network space, it is like a real scene from reality, where emotions are condensed into the concise word "true". His brushwork is like a rainbow piercing through the sun, breaking through the limits of the past and present, creating a unique artistic style. With free and easy strokes, bold ink techniques, expressing emotions with brushes, conveying meanings with paintings. Whether vigorous and magnificent, or fresh and elegant, they are all expressions of his inner emotional sentiment, the trajectory of life. Often with a demeanor of passionate exuberance, expressing his inner resilience, revealing his heart, and expressing his unwavering determination, he inspires people with the influence of his art and spiritual enlightenment.
