
For every son and daughter of China, born in a country with over five thousand years of civilization, they have always been nurtured by profound and rich culture. Their hearts are filled with the responsibility to protect this fertile land, the enthusiasm to build it, and the passion to create. Some may bear arms and shed blood; others may wield pen and ink with great zeal. Regardless of time and place, they all harbor a stirring patriotic ambition and a sincere love for their country. This sentiment flows through all fields and people, and it also nurtures many innocent and creative artists who are meticulous and sensitive. In recent years, with the widespread promotion and advocacy of the "craftsman spirit," many diligent, dedicated, and honest craftsmen from various industries have become representatives of this title. In the carving arts industry, Yang Yiguang is one such individual.

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For every son and daughter of China, born in a country with over five thousand years of civilization, they have always been nurtured by profound and rich culture. Their hearts are filled with the responsibility to protect this fertile land, the enthusiasm to build it, and the passion to create. Some may bear arms and shed blood; others may wield pen and ink with great zeal. Regardless of time and place, they all harbor a stirring patriotic ambition and a sincere love for their country. This sentiment flows through all fields and people, and it also nurtures many innocent and creative artists who are meticulous and sensitive. In recent years, with the widespread promotion and advocacy of the "craftsman spirit," many diligent, dedicated, and honest craftsmen from various industries have become representatives of this title. In the carving arts industry, Yang Yiguang is one such individual.

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Yang Yiguang, born in the year of Gengxu in Guangfeng, is a master of Chinese folk art, an expert in arts and crafts, and a senior inheritor of wood carving, a national intangible cultural heritage. He serves as a director of Sichuan Shanle Wood Carving Art Co., Ltd., and is an executive director of the Sichuan Root Carving and Stone Appreciation Association. Yang is fond of traditional wood carving and began his seal carving career in the year of Wuchen. The path of art is like the difficult and treacherous Shu Road, but learning knows no bounds. To achieve the artistic realm of "concealing the soul in nature and capturing the spirit in craftsmanship," Yang traveled to Sichuan to investigate thousand-year-old submerged wood, using traditional techniques to transform decay into marvel, giving the submerged wood a second life and turning waste into treasure. Yang's wood carvings are deeply admired not only for their exquisite techniques but also for the delicate and vivid emotions conveyed through the forms they take. Artistic works seek to achieve both form and spirit, starting with the shape and quality of the wood itself, adapting to its natural form, and paying great attention to material selection and modeling.




Chinese traditional culture and artistic innovation of five thousand years need to be passed down through generations. Among Yang Yiguang's many works, "Rhinoceros" stands out. This piece, which began on April 8th of the year Jichou, was created under the call of the "Chinese Dream," representing "prosperity in China, producing fine works in a flourishing age." Yang devoted himself to the creation, losing himself in his art, and meticulously crafted the piece to perfection. This work integrates heart, emotion, and effort, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship from multiple perspectives, demonstrating the profoundness of ebony root carving and promoting the far-reaching impact of national culture. The rhinoceros, with its grand and harmonious demeanor, embodies the "essence, spirit, and vitality," achieving the highest state of "concealing the soul in nature and capturing the spirit in craftsmanship," a unity of man and nature, and was completed on November 10th of the year Jihai. Due to its high difficulty of creation and lifelike form and spirit, it adds a rare gem to the wood carving art world.

The rhinoceros is a first-class protected animal worldwide, with very few remaining, facing imminent extinction. Yang Yiguang recreates its form through art, allowing future generations to understand this giant and wondrous creature. Since its creation, "Rhinoceros," an original high-end artwork by Yang, has been sought after by many collectors and enthusiasts, causing a strong social reaction and promoting the flourishing of national culture. Yang calls on people worldwide to protect rare animals. Ancient submerged ebony is also a rare and precious material, extremely limited in existence. If not utilized, it would be a waste to let it lie underwater. Since ebony is non-renewable, it will become even scarcer in the future. Using it to meticulously create an artwork not only conserves resources but also transforms waste into treasure, adding a precious wood carving to the world. This "Rhinoceros" looks simple but took over six months to carve. Wood carving is the most challenging due to the softness of the wood, which makes controlling the force difficult; it must be just right. Even a slight error can result in significant mistakes, requiring meticulous attention to every detail to achieve the effect of combining form and spirit. Yang imbued this piece with the meaning "cherishing relationships, turning the world around," using homophony to convey that the relationship between the Party and the people in our country is incredibly close and cherished. It is this unity that allows our country to achieve great feats and become increasingly powerful.

After the year of Gengyin, Yang Yiguang refused to sell "Rhinoceros" at a high price and resolutely donated this precious work to the nation. Yang believes that creating and dedicating oneself to cultural spirit and promoting traditional virtues are his pursuits. A unique and exquisite artwork made from rare and precious materials should maximally enhance wood carving artistry and showcase our nation's glorious culture. To achieve this, it must be donated to the nation, thus realizing its greatest value and significance, and finding its best home. Donating it to the Great Hall of the People or the National Museum would allow "Rhinoceros" to shine, demonstrating its exquisite and unparalleled nature, benefiting the people, and illuminating future generations.

Yang Yiguang sees that the duty of artists is to pass on culture. Chinese culture is vast and profound; the true value of artistic masterpieces lies not in money but in their ability to greatly enhance cultural and artistic expression. Yang has been engaged in wood carving for thirty years, and this piece represents his pinnacle. Therefore, he decided to donate it to the nation. Yang thoughtfully considered that in the future, ancient submerged wood might no longer exist, and Asian and African rhinoceroses might face extinction, leaving future generations with little knowledge of their appearance. He hopes that this small artwork can leave some historical information and provide an aesthetic experience for posterity. Our country advocates for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage, providing artisans and artists with a good platform and space for development, for which Yang feels very fortunate and happy. He believes that as a citizen of China, one should be duty-bound to do their best, always with a grateful and selfless heart, to contribute to the country. Only when the country is strong can the family be strong. Therefore, Yang wishes to donate "Rhinoceros" to the nation, hoping this wish can be fulfilled and that he can contribute a small effort to the development of our country's culture and art.

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Chairman Mao Zedong's niece, Mao Xiaoqing, President of the Red Culture Association, commented:

"I am deeply impressed by Master Yang Yiguang's work. He breathes magical life into decaying wood, transforming even the most ordinary piece into a lifelike masterpiece. Yang Yiguang has been practicing traditional Chinese carving art since childhood and has dedicated over thirty years to his craft, creating countless exquisite works. He is a master of folk art, humble and modest, sincere and warm in his dealings with others. His skills are superb and refined, his concepts advanced yet rooted in tradition. He is truly a rare talent in contemporary carving art."



Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qin Zhulong, comments:

Mr. Yang Yiguang is a master of root carving art in Sichuan Province. For many years, he has poured his heart and soul into the creation of root art. His works are unique in creativity and distinctive in style. During production, he is extremely meticulous, striving for perfection, and his craftsmanship is superb. He has created numerous masterpieces of root art, making him a rare talent in the field of root carving art both domestically and abroad.
