
Shi Qi was born in Fuqing, Fujian in 1939. He graduated from the Fujian Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1963. In 1976, he joined the Beijing Academy of Painting and became a professional painter. Shi Qi studied under Wu Changshuo, Li Keran, and Huang Zhou, but he developed his own unique style of brushwork, characterized by its boldness, wildness, and free spirit.

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The true expression of an artist lies in his work. Shi Qi’s creations combine profound realism with the unrestrained techniques of abstraction, recreating a myriad of impressions and vibrant colors. His paintings seamlessly blend these styles, unexpectedly and aptly, evoking astonishment and admiration. This is the essence of Shi Qi's artistic allure.

Observing Shi Qi's works, one can deeply feel his dedication to innovating Chinese painting and the abundant results he has achieved. Among the multitude of painters, few can establish their own unique style, and Shi Qi stands out as a prominent figure. Rooted in tradition yet transcending its constraints, he has ceaselessly pursued a path of greater freedom and diversity in art over the years. He skillfully merges the charm of Chinese painting with the dynamism of Western oil painting, incorporating the modern painting style into traditional realistic forms, imbuing paper and ink with the rhythm of thought and emotion, thus forming a distinctive art style of "Three-in-One."

Reading Shi Qi’s works is like being immersed in bold and unrestrained colors, whimsical imagination, and confident, uninhibited expression. His paintings, like a spring breeze brushing the face or an autumn moon shining through the window, captivate and enchant, making one linger and revel in them, losing track of time and direction.

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Shi Qi's works display new characteristics of Cubism, combining profound Chinese brushwork with elements of modern art. He is an ink painter of international cultural significance, serving as a paragon and trendsetter for contemporary Chinese ink painting innovation. He has broken free from the millennia-old constraints of agrarian civilization inherent in traditional Chinese ink painting, connecting with both global and modern civilizations to create an art form embraced by both East and West. This achievement and its cultural positioning are markedly different from those of Li Keran. When evaluating a person's value, one must consider their historical significance, and Shi Qi's works undoubtedly possess great originality.

Shi Qi's paintings are full of power, frequently employing urgent and intense curved lines, sometimes in color, sometimes in ink. These lines are different from Huang Zhou's sketch lines and Miró's whimsical lines, embodying Shi Qi's unique style. These lines, like shadows, play a role in blocking solid forms and brightening the canvas. The irregular, dynamic lines confront and clash with solid forms, becoming a hallmark of Shi Qi's visual style. These fine white and gold lines, akin to the black mountains, white waterfalls, and small white houses in Li Keran's paintings, become distinctive visual symbols in their own right.

Shi Qi, like Picasso, is ever-changing, favoring the new and disfavoring the old. Observing his creative journey from 1970 to 2000, one sees his bold exploration and disregard for fixed styles. This aspect sets him apart from Li Keran. Li's painting style is consistent, whereas Shi Qi's works vary, each with distinct emotions and states, embodying the essence of Expressionism. His works feature vast spaces, clear structures, and strategic voids, making them rich and transparent. The use of square blocks adds solidity and depth, while irregular symbols break the rigidity. In his spatial arrangement, he masterfully balances emptiness and solidity, softness and firmness, with various symbols interplaying and clashing, creating a dynamic balance.

Shi Qi's approach to Xuan paper changes over time. Initially, he harmonized ink with paper, but by the 1990s, he ignored the nature of the paper, even to the point of destructiveness, exhibiting a rough, trampling expressionist tendency. He imposes hardness on softness, entirely disregarding the traditional qualities and permeability of Xuan paper, all to express his own emotions, inner world, and life.



Having accumulated experience in ink painting during the 1970s and 1980s, Shi Qi entered the comprehensive period in the 1990s, also known as the integration period, characterized by multi-voice and multi-element arrangements. Li Keran once praised Shi Qi’s works for their multilingual expressions, recognizing his extraordinary artistic qualities. Shi Qi’s artistic philosophy is unique, advocating for the coexistence of three forms—representational, impressionistic, and abstract—thereby creating an unprecedented “Three-in-One” grand visual style. His Chinese paintings, oil paintings, and calligraphy have all reached a state of perfection, leaving viewers in awe.

As time progresses, the external aura surrounding art gradually fades, leaving the academic value of art itself as the sole criterion for evaluating artistic achievement. It is believed that Shi Qi's creation of Three-ism (representational, impressionistic, and abstract) will, with the passage of time, emit even more brilliant artistic radiance, dazzling the world and enduring through the ages.
