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案例四互联网核查印尼民法典,维护未到庭当事人合法权益——江苏脒诺甫纳米材料有限公司与PT.DRE RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL国际货物买卖合同纠纷案




案例八多维度查明伊朗民法规定,精准界定损害赔偿范围——贝沙赫尔工业公司(Behshahr Industrial Company)与江阴科玛金属制品有限公司国际破产债权确认纠纷案

案例九准确适用《纽约公约》,不予承认和执行“超裁”裁项——Bright Morning Limited与宜兴乐祺纺织集团有限公司申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纠纷案


















——贝沙赫尔工业公司(Behshahr Industrial Company)与江阴科玛金属制品有限公司国际破产债权确认纠纷案



原告贝沙赫尔工业公司(Behshahr Industrial Company)(以下简称BIC公司)与被告江阴科玛金属制品有限公司(以下简称科玛公司)签署《供货协议》,约定由BIC公司作为买方向科玛公司购买马口铁。《供货协议》对延期交货违约金、损害赔偿责任进行约定,并约定本协议受伊朗法律管辖。后BIC公司向科玛公司订购2单货物,科玛公司收款后未能如期足额发货。科玛公司在本案诉讼前经法院裁定受理破产申请,BIC公司向科玛公司管理人申报债权,但管理人仅对其中部分金额予以确认。BIC公司遂起诉科玛公司,要求法院确认其对未被管理人确认的包含违约金、汇率损失、可得利润损失、资金利息损失、律师费、差旅费、邮费等在内的损失金额享有破产债权。科玛公司管理人抗辩认为,本案应适用中华人民共和国法律进行审理。涉案《供货协议》中有仲裁条款,约定仲裁适用英格兰法律,又约定受伊朗法律管辖,故《供货协议》本身对法律适用存在约定不明的情形;BIC公司放弃仲裁条款并在我国起诉行为应视为其放弃了《供货协议》的仲裁条款及法律适用约定,故本案应适用破产企业所在地法律即中国法律进行审理。BIC公司主张的各项损失均为间接损失,即使法院认定,其性质也应为劣后债权 。










——Bright Morning Limited与宜兴乐祺纺织集团有限公司申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纠纷案



2005年12月26日,宜兴乐祺纺织集团有限公司(以下简称乐祺集团公司)与Bright Morning Limited(以下简称BM公司)签订《斜纹布合资合同》,合资设立宜兴新乐祺纺织印染有限公司(以下简称新乐祺公司)。2011年11月14日,BM公司针对乐祺集团公司就《斜纹布合资合同》下的争议提交新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁,请求仲裁庭裁决乐祺集团公司向BM公司支付金钱损害赔偿并禁止乐祺集团公司采取任何违反合同的进一步行动等。2015年8月26日,新加坡国际仲裁中心作出最终裁决,裁决内容包括“(1)乐祺集团公司违反了《斜纹布合资合同》;(2)受下文第(4)分段的限制,斜纹布合资合同终止;(3)乐祺集团公司应向BM公司支付3480万美元,作为其违反《斜纹布合资合同》的损害赔偿金;(4)在本裁决作出之日起的14日内,乐祺集团公司应向BM公司支付损害赔偿金3840万美元。当乐祺集团公司全数支付前述金钱损害赔偿,及有书面确认该赔偿已汇入BM公司指定的位于中国以外(除香港外)的银行后,《斜纹布合资合同》应立即终止”及其他内容。BM公司申请执行该仲裁裁决,乐祺集团公司称裁决(1)-(4)的事项均超出双方当事人仲裁条款的范围,申请不予承认与执行。






















Case IIdentifying and clarifying Singaporean law, confirming the real shareholder status under equity trusteeship.——Wu Peiliang vs. Sheng Haomin, Shen Yanqin the Property Damage Compensation Dispute

Case IIApplying Hong Kong Precedents to clarify the boundary of “Piercing the corporate veil”.——Wuxi Yaswei Metro Media Co., Ltd. vs. Qianqu Import & Export Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qianqu Network Technology Co., Ltd. Advertising Contract Dispute

Case IIIThe Judge ascertains the Australian law ex officio and determines the qualification for shareholder representative litigation——Mei Shanhai vs. Lin Xiaoning, Tao Xisong, Tao Xi Feng, and Sun Suping the Dispute over Liability for Damages to Company Interests

Case IVVerifying the Indonesian Civil Code online, Vindicating the interest of the default party——Jiangsu Minonop Nano Material Co., Ltd. vs. PT. DRE Resource International the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute

Case VAccurately ascertain the German Civil Procedure Law and confirm the validity of the arbitration clause——Yixing New Will Reach Rare Earth Co., Ltd. vs. OSRAM GMBH the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute

Case VIProactively ascertain the Macau Commercial Code to confirm the effectiveness of shareholders' corporate governance actions——You Aimei vs. Jiangsu Huanhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and the third party Macau Qiujing Trading Co., Ltd. Request to Change Company Registration Dispute

Case VIIIdentifying complex legal relationships and applying Korean Commercial Law to resolve preliminary issues——TiTi Corporation vs. Tiantian Company, Cho Woo-hyun, the Shareholder Right to Information Dispute

Case VIIIAccurately ascertain Iranian civil law in multi-dimension and define the scope of damage compensation——Behshahr Industrial Company vs. Jiangyin Komar Metal Products Co., Ltd. The Confirmation of International Bankruptcy Claims Dispute

Case IXAccurately apply the New York Convention, and reject to recognize or enforce 'excessive' arbitration awards——Bright Morning Limited vs. Yixing Leqi Textile Group Co., Ltd. Applying for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award Dispute

Case XPriority Application of the CISG, Clarifying the Absence of Payment Obligation before Inspection of Goods——International Sale of Goods Contract between Samsung STS Corporation and Wuxi Dingchen Metal Products Co., Ltd

Case VII

Identifying complex legal relationships and applying Korean Commercial Law to resolve preliminary issues.

——TiTi Corporation vs. Tiantian Company, Cho Woo-hyun, the Shareholder Right to Information Dispute


Basic Facts

TiTi Corporation is a company registered in South Korea, with Cho Sang-hyun as its legal representative. Cho Woo-hyun, one of the defendants in this case, is the brother of Cho Sang-hyun. In 2002, TiTi Corporation established the Tiantian Company in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, and held all of its shares. Since April 2018, TiTi Corporation has demanded to exercise the shareholder's right by personal delivery, sending demand letters or notifications, but all were rejected by Tiantian Company. TiTi Corporation filed a lawsuit demanding that Tiantian Company provide all board of directors' meeting resolutions, shareholders' meeting minutes, financial statements, company accounting books, and original vouchers from August 1, 2006, for inspection and copying. Tiantian Company argued that Cho Sang-hyun was not the legal representative of TiTi Corporation, and that the board resolution confirming Cho Sang-hyun as the president of TiTi Corporation was invalid.


Court Ruling

The Court held that, according to Article 14 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations, whether Cho Sang-hyun has the right to file this lawsuit on behalf of TiTi Corporation should be governed by lex domicilii, namely South Korean law where the company is registered. According to Article 389 of the South Korean Commercial Law, a company shall appoint directors to represent the company by resolution of the board of directors. According to Article 30 of the TiTi Corporation's articles of association, the president is appointed from all the directors based on the decision of the board; the president represents the company. The business registration certificate of TiTi Corporation lists Cho Sang-hyun as the representative, and the attendees of the board meeting on April 17, 2018, complied with the provisions of the articles of association, making the board resolution valid. Therefore, Cho Sang-hyun has the right to file the lawsuit on behalf of TiTi Corporation. According to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, TiTi Corporation's exercise of the shareholder's right to know is legal and well-founded. The court ordered Tiantian Company to provide all board of directors' meeting resolutions, shareholders' meeting records, and financial statements for TiTi Corporation to inspect and copy, and to allow the inspection of accounting books and original vouchers. Tiantian Company appealed. The High People's Court of Jiangsu Province rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict.


Typical Significance

This case is about the shareholder’s right of inspection involving multiple legal relationships such as confirmation of shareholder status and the scope of the right to information, requiring the determination of applicable law for each issue and the application of laws from different countries. The primary issue to be resolved is the representative authority of TiTi Corporation to file the lawsuit. Since TiTi Corporation is registered in South Korea, the issue of its representative authority should be governed by South Korean law, and the validity of the relevant board resolutions should be examined according to South Korean law. As Tiantian Company, the object of the exercise of the shareholder's right to information is established in China, the scope of the shareholder's right to information should be governed by Chinese law. The case has been accurately characterized with clear logic, precise ascertainment of foreign law, detailed and standard reasoning, and an appropriate judgment result, which can serve as a reference for adjudicating similar cases. The judgment of this case was selected as one of the Foreign-related Typical Cases (2022) issued by The High People's Court of Jiangsu Province.


Accurately ascertain Iranian civil law in multi-dimension and define the scope of damage compensation.

——Behshahr Industrial Company vs. Jiangyin Komar Metal Products Co., Ltd. The Confirmation of International Bankruptcy Claims Dispute


Basic Facts

The plaintiff, Behshahr Industrial Company (hereinafter referred to as BIC), signed a "Supply Agreement" with the defendant, Jiangyin Komar Metal Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Komar), agreeing that BIC would purchase tinplate from Komar. The "Supply Agreement" stipulated provisions for late delivery penalties, liability for damages, and stated that the agreement was governed by Iranian law. Subsequently, BIC ordered two batches of goods from Komar, but after receiving payment, Komar failed to deliver the goods in full and on time. Before the litigation in this case, the court had ruled to accept Komar's bankruptcy application, and BIC declared its claim of damages to the bankruptcy administrator of Komar, but the administrator only confirmed part of the amounts. BIC then sued Komar, asking the court to confirm its claim for the damages not recognized by the administrator, including penalties for delayed delivery, exchange rate losses, profit loss, interest on funds, attorney fees, travel expenses, postage, etc. The bankruptcy administrator of Komar argued that the case should be tried under the laws of the People's Republic of China. The "Supply Agreement" involved contained an arbitration clause, stipulating that arbitration would apply English law, while also stating it was governed by Iranian law; therefore, the "Supply Agreement" itself had ambiguous provisions regarding the applicable law. BIC's act of giving up the arbitration clause and suing in the Chinese court should be regarded as its waiver of the arbitration clause and the legal application provisions of the "Supply Agreement", so the case should be tried under the laws of China, where the bankrupt enterprise is located. All the losses claimed by BIC are indirect losses, and even if the court recognized so, their nature should be considered as inferior claims.


Court Ruling

The Court held that, regarding the jurisdiction over this case, since both parties explicitly waived the arbitration clause during the trial, the court had jurisdiction over this case. There are multiple legal relationships in this case, and the applicable laws should be determined separately. Regarding the amount of BIC's creditor's rights, under the condition that the "Supply Agreement" clearly stipulates that the performance of the agreement should be governed by Iranian law, Iranian law should be applied for the trial; as for the determination of the nature of the creditor's rights, it should be in accordance with the general rule of conflict norms "the law applicable to bankruptcy creditors' rights generally applies the law of the place where bankruptcy is declared," and thus the law of the People's Republic of China should be applied for the trial. In this case, BIC provided the "Iranian Civil Code" and "Iranian Civil Procedure Law" identified on the website of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as a legal opinion issued by an Iranian law firm. The court logged onto the website of the UNHCR in court to verify the relevant provisions of the "Iranian Civil Code" submitted by BIC; at the same time, regarding the issue of the cause of exchange rate loss in this case, BIC provided the "Country (Region) Guide for Foreign Investment Cooperation - Iran (2021 Edition)" published by the Ministry of Commerce's Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation for evidence. The court verified the exchange rate between the Iranian rial and the corresponding currency based on the website www.sanarate.ir attached to the investment guide. Finally, after cross-verification of the contents of the Iranian Civil Code and the legal opinion, the court confirmed that under Iranian law, the types of damages that can be recovered and the elements of damage should be direct loss and certain loss, thereby confirming BIC's claims for liquidated damages, exchange rate losses, attorney fees, and translation fees as its losses, and according to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People's Republic of China, they were recognized as bankruptcy creditor's rights. Neither party appealed, and the first-instance judgment took effect.


Typical Significance

The legal relationships in this case are complex. How to identify Iranian law and accurately define the amounts of damages are the primary and most critical aspects of the trial. In response to the provisions of the "Iranian Civil Code" provided by BIC, the court verified their authenticity through Internet research and adjusted any non-standard terminology in the translations. Regarding the core claim of BIC, which is the exchange rate loss, the court corroborated the cause of the exchange rate loss with the investment guide issued by our Ministry of Commerce, applying the "Iranian Civil Code" to characterize the exchange rate loss as a direct loss rather than a penalty. The court confirmed the exchange rate fluctuations by verifying the exchange rate website, ultimately determining the amount of BIC's exchange rate loss. There are many innovations in the process of ascertaining foreign law in this case in terms of approach and verification, which has effectively protected the interests of the creditor and provided valuable references for the trial of similar cases.

Case IX

Accurately apply the New York Convention, and reject to recognize or enforce 'excessive' arbitration awards.

——Bright Morning Limited vs. Yixing Leqi Textile Group Co., Ltd. Applying for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award Dispute


Basic Facts

On December 26, 2005, Yixing Leqi Textile Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Leqi Group) and Bright Morning Limited (hereinafter referred to as BM Company) signed a 'Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract' to establish the Yixing Xinleqi Textile and Dyeing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinleqi Company). On November 14, 2011, BM Company initiated arbitration against Leqi Group at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) regarding disputes under the 'Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract', seeking a ruling that Leqi Group pay monetary damages to BM Company and prohibit Leqi Group from taking any further actions in breach of the contract. On August 26, 2015, SIAC issued a final award which included: (1) Leqi Group had breached the 'Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract'; (2) subject to the limitations of sub-paragraph (4), the Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract was terminated; (3) Leqi Group should pay BM Company $34.8 million as damages for breach of the 'Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract'; (4) within 14 days from the date of the award, Leqi Group should pay BM Company $38.4 million in damages. Upon full payment of the said damages by Leqi Group, and upon written confirmation that such compensation has been transferred to a bank designated by BM Company outside of China (excluding Hong Kong), the 'Twill Fabric Joint Venture Contract' shall be immediately terminated," among other contents. BM Company applied for enforcement of the arbitral award, while Leqi Group claimed that matters (1) to (4) of the award exceeded the scope of the arbitration clause agreed upon by both parties and applied for non-recognition and non-enforcement.


Court Ruling

After being reported up to the Supreme People's Court of People's Republic of China, The Court made a civil ruling recognizing and enforcing items (1), (3), (5), and (6) of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre's 2011 No. 130 arbitral award, and rejecting to recognize or enforce items (2) and (4). The Court held that items (2) and (4) of the final award fell under the circumstances provided by Article V(1)(c) of the New York Convention(i.e. the United Nations Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards), which precluded their recognition and enforcement. The reasons were: Firstly, shareholder rights are statutory rights arising from the company’s legal system, not contractual rights. The dispute resolved by the arbitral tribunal was limited to the issues arising from the joint venture contract between the two parties, and the tribunal could not extend its jurisdiction to the joint venture company itself. Secondly, during the arbitration, neither BM Company nor Leqi Company raised any issues regarding BM Company's equity in the joint venture. To balance the interests of both parties and prevent BM Company from obtaining so-called 'double compensation', the arbitral tribunal intervened on its own in BM Company's shareholder rights in the twill fabric joint venture company. Item (4) of the award exceeded both the scope of the dispute submitted to arbitration and the matters decided upon by the submission to arbitration. Since items (2) and (4) of the award were interrelated, they should be rejected together.


Typical Significance

This case reflects the Wuxi court's balancing attitude toward international commercial arbitration , which is both supportive and supervisory. Guided by the Supreme Court's judicial policy to fulfill Convention obligations with a 'pro-enforcement' philosophy, the court adopts a strict scrutiny attitude towards the seven circumstances provided in Article V of the New York Convention that may lead to the refusal of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, and does not readily deny recognition or enforcement. In this case, due to the international arbitral tribunal's different interpretation of Chinese law, it considered both the issue of breach of contract submitted by the parties for arbitration and shareholder rights together, resulting in an award that required one party to pay substantial monetary compensation and the other party to be forced to relinquish shareholder rights. The award was partially recognized and enforced by the court, but the two items that involved the arbitral tribunal's proactive intervention into the respondent's shareholder rights in the joint venture company were deemed 'excessive' and thus not recognized or enforced. This case demonstrates that the Chinese courts do not agree with the arbitral institution's expansionism in jurisdiction, while also maintaining a cautious stance on the divisibility of excessive awards and the public policy exception principle, striving to strike a balance between being conducive to the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and strictly adhering to judicial review standards of arbitration.

Case X

Priority Application of the CISG, Clarifying the Absence of Payment Obligation before Inspection of Goods.

——International Sale of Goods Contract between Samsung STS Corporation and Wuxi Dingchen Metal Products Co., Ltd


Basic Facts

The plaintiff, Samsung STS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Samsung Co., Ltd.'), engaged in a stainless steel strip trading transaction with the defendant, Wuxi Dingchen Metal Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Dingchen Company'), but the goods shipped by Dingchen Company did not meet the agreed specifications. Subsequently, after friendly negotiations, both parties signed a settlement agreement on February 23, 2017. Samsung Co., Ltd. had duly processed the non-conforming goods and informed Dingchen Company in writing, but Dingchen Company failed to fulfill the settlement agreement. Therefore, Samsung Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit in court, demanding that Dingchen Company return the payment for the goods, etc. Dingchen Company defended itself by stating that according to the settlement agreement, Dingchen Company's obligation was to replace the goods, and the premise of delivery was that Samsung Co., Ltd. had accepted the goods as qualified, and only with its consent could Dingchen Company ship the goods. However, Samsung Co., Ltd. did not complete the acceptance, so Dingcheng company's prerequisites for shipment have not yet been accomplished, and asked the court to reject Samsung's claim.


Court Ruling

The Court held that the contract in question was a goods sales contract concluded between parties with business locations in different countries, and both China and South Korea are signatories to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as 'CISG'), with neither party excluding the application of the convention. Therefore, the case was adjudicated under the CISG. According to Article 58(3) of the CISG, the buyer is not obliged to pay the price before having had an opportunity to inspect the goods, unless the circumstances described in the article are inconsistent with the agreed delivery or payment procedures between the parties. The settlement agreement stipulated that Samsung Co., Ltd. should inspect the goods and make payment first, followed by Dingchen Company's delivery after receipt of full payment. Therefore, if Samsung Co., Ltd. did not have the opportunity to inspect the goods, it was not obligated to make payment. As for why Samsung Co., Ltd. could not inspect the goods, the court considered that the inspection of goods is both a right and an obligation of the parties to a sales contract. Dingchen Company's defense that Samsung Co., Ltd. refused to inspect the goods was unsubstantiated by evidence and thus not accepted by the court. Consequently, the court supported Samsung Co., Ltd.'s claims for the return of the payment for the goods and the payment of interest. The judgment of the first instance took effect.


Typical Significance

In this case, based on the accurate definition of the contractual relationship involved, priority was given to the application of international treaties, reflecting the modern basic principle of 'faithful fulfillment of international obligations' in the judiciary. By analyzing and applying the relevant clauses of the 'United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods' (CISG), and primarily relying on Article 58 regarding the provision that there is no obligation to pay before having the opportunity to inspect the goods, the court made a determination favorable to the foreign party. In accordance with the 'foreseeability rule' of Article 74 and the interest provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 84 of the CISG, the court supported Samsung Co., Ltd.'s claims for the return of the payment for the goods and the payment of interest. The handling of this case, which applied the detailed provisions of the CISG, serves as a model for determining the sequence of performance obligations in similar international sales contract disputes.





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