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Painter Liu Zhengdong, also known as the owner of Mingyue Tower. Born in 1968, skilled in landscape painting, as well as depicting characters, flowers and birds, etc. His paintings are mostly in the ancient style, showcasing the calligraphy and painting styles of various schools from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing to modern times. He admires the calligraphy and painting spirit of great masters such as Wang Xizhi, Gu Kaizhi, Huang Gongwang, Ni Yunlin, Dong Qichang, Shen Zhou, Tang Bohu, Badashan Ren, Siwang, Shi Tao, etc. His Chinese paintings have been selected multiple times for international and national calligraphy and painting competitions. His traditional Chinese paintings have been collected by multiple competition organizing committees.

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Liu Zhengdong is a master of contemporary calligraphy and painting, and a renowned figure in the art world. For many years, he has been wholeheartedly supporting the national cultural cause and making an indispensable contribution to promoting traditional Chinese culture. His works are inspired by predecessors, rich in creativity throughout history, integrated with both Chinese and Western cultures, with distinctive features and a unique integration. His unique aesthetic perspective and vivid expression techniques are enlightening and refreshing. The publication of this book is willing to offer a sincere and beautiful spiritual feast to people and friends from all walks of life who love calligraphy and painting art.

Liu Zhengdong is a disseminator of Chinese art, inheritor of traditional culture, and promoter of international culture.

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