
Feng Yuan, born in the year of Renchen in Shanghai, originally from Wuxi. As a child, he was fond of painting, especially comic strips and illustrations. In the year of Wuwu, he entered the Chinese painting graduate program at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, studying under Fang Zengxian. In the year of Gengshen, he graduated and stayed at the school, specializing in the teaching and creation of Chinese figure painting.

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Chinese painting has a unique way of observing the world, adhering to the principle of "harmony between man and nature," surveying heaven and earth, and appreciating all creatures, expressing emotions and thoughts freely. Using Chinese ink and brush to depict objects, it captures the subtlety between resemblance and non-resemblance, pursuing a vivid charm and profound artistic conception. In the interaction between the viewer and the artist, the artist's intention is manifested, and the viewer's understanding and resonance are achieved, creating a wonderful aesthetic experience.

Feng Yuan's ink paintings are particularly praised for their emphasis on rational expression, focusing on philosophical, historical, and existential reflections. His paintings are cold and deep, with a lofty atmosphere and poetic quality. The structure and language contain philosophical insights and profound interest, forming his unique aesthetic orientation. For thousands of years, Chinese ink painting has often fallen into the pitfalls of stylization and conceptualization, contrary to the aesthetic nature of painting. Feng Yuan's ink art finds its unique significance in overcoming these pitfalls.

Feng Yuan's creations primarily follow a realistic and figurative style, incorporating various other styles. His figure paintings have precise and expressive forms, with a simple and robust style, and strong, rough brushwork. He loves historical subjects and excels at creating grand scenes, emphasizing the ideological content and striving to convey a grand spirit, while also paying attention to the novelty and refinement of artistic forms and language. Feng Yuan also experiments with simple and abstract painting, aiming to learn from a broad range of sources. In his spare time, he diligently engages in writing and theoretical research, always striving for excellence with each stylistic change.


Feng Yuan believes that Chinese contemporary art is still in the process of development and formation, and has not yet truly formed, matured, or succeeded in its unique artistic style. The term "developing" refers to its initial stage. Since the late 1980s and 1990s, Chinese artists have been imitating, borrowing, learning, and adopting Western artistic concepts, language, forms, and materials, integrating Western modern artistic ideas with Chinese cultural elements, evolving and progressing through this process.

The creation of Chinese painting lies between realism and abstraction, differing from the meticulous reproduction of Western classical painting and the expressive methods of contemporary Western abstraction. Its unique form is easily understood by viewers and peers. Although the language of ink and brush differs from the color tones of Western painting, Chinese painting starts with realism and ends with abstraction, maintaining a clear boundary, and is not entirely abstract. It shares common ground with the ideas of new realism, figurative expressionism, impressionism, and even symbolism in contemporary Western painting.

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ver the past thirty years of reform and opening up, China has seen the emergence of a group of artists who are brave in innovation and change, achieving remarkable results and promoting the formation and progress of contemporary art, with some even gaining recognition and praise from Western peers. However, at present, the rules of the game and the standards of value are still controlled by others, and curators from both East and West have specific interpretations of "avant-garde." Chinese contemporary art is still thinking and creating under the rules and standards set by others.

Feng Yuan asserts that Chinese painting is a vital art form of Chinese culture, with a rich national flavor. Its history is long and continuous with Chinese civilization, and it will continue thus in the future. Chinese painting differs from foreign art by adhering to the philosophy of harmony between man and nature, which aligns with the principles advocated by the Party Central Committee and the State Council for building a harmonious society and a harmonious world. One day, when Chinese contemporary art can be judged by both Chinese and international standards, it will truly have its own contemporary art. At that time, Chinese contemporary art will truly reach its peak.

Chinese painting and Western painting belong to different cultural systems of high art. It is believed that viewers from both China and abroad, with a shared understanding, can discern the merits and demerits. Chinese painting emphasizes painting technique, writing quality, and the artistic conception and metaphorical meaning of the work, pursuing a profound artistic realm. This unique art form vividly showcases the essence of Chinese culture, allowing people to appreciate the beauty of harmony between man and nature.


Feng Yuan believes that the future of Chinese ink figure painting is limitless. However, creating a Chinese modern figure painting that is distinct from traditional art and Western modern art requires arduous effort. He believes that only through continuous exploration and innovation can ink art reach its true glory. Feng Yuan works diligently, focusing on artistic creation and teaching, with each painting and study embodying his pursuit of artistic excellence and his expectations for infinite future possibilities.

Feng Yuan believes that learning and adopting the valuable aspects of contemporary Western art, while recognizing that it will ultimately reflect the concepts, content, and carriers of contemporary Chinese culture, is a positive and feasible path for innovatively developing contemporary Chinese art. In this process of learning and development, the lack of independent thinking and creativity is an inevitable stage. Young avant-garde artists, whether intentionally or unintentionally, are influenced by others and become "followers." However, Feng Yuan firmly believes that contemporary artists with ideals and aspirations will not be content to remain "followers" for life.
