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此次座谈会的成功举办,为深圳跨境电子商务协会和中巴商业发展理事会之间的合作奠定了坚实的基础。双方表示,将继续加强沟通和协作,推动各项合作项目的顺利实施。未来,深跨协和中巴理事会将共同努力,促进中巴两国在跨境电商、科技、教育、物流等领域的全面合作,为两国经济的高质量发展做出积极贡献。(作者:Nick 整理发布:深跨协陈烈)


Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association and China-Pakistan Business Development Council Join Forces to Promote Cross-Border E-Commerce Development, Reaching Multiple Cooperation Agreements

On May 16, 2024, Wang Xin, Executive President of the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association (hereinafter referred to as "SZCBEA"), and Zhu Qing, Secretary General of the International Business Department, met with Chen Jianlu, President of the China-Pakistan Business Development Council (hereinafter referred to as "CPBDC"), and Li Xin, General Manager of Meijidi (Guangzhou) Biotechnology Company, in Shenzhen. The purpose of this meeting was to enhance cross-border e-commerce cooperation between China and Pakistan, deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields, and further promote the economic development of both countries.

During the meeting, the two parties engaged in in-depth discussions to establish a strategic partnership. The main topics of this meeting included the joint development of the Luda Technology Industrial Park, the establishment of a Pakistan Cross-Border E-Commerce Vocational School, the facilitation of Pakistan's online payment systems, the construction of a logistics park, and the co-establishment of the SZCBEA Pakistan Branch. In a friendly and candid atmosphere, both parties reached preliminary cooperation intentions on these matters.

Joint Development of Luda Technology Industrial Park:

Regarding the joint development of the Luda Technology Industrial Park, both parties agreed that this would bring new opportunities for technological innovation and industrial upgrading in both countries. The Luda Technology Industrial Park aims to create an integrated cluster of education, technology, and logistics industries. Through their collaboration, the park will attract more technology enterprises, providing an important platform for technological exchange and industrial cooperation between China and Pakistan.

Establishment of Pakistan Cross-Border E-Commerce Vocational School:

In terms of education and talent cultivation, the parties plan to establish a cross-border e-commerce vocational school in Pakistan. This vocational school will offer professional knowledge and skills training in cross-border e-commerce to young people in Pakistan, helping them better integrate into the global e-commerce market. The establishment of this vocational school will not only improve Pakistan's e-commerce talent pool but also inject new vitality into China-Pakistan e-commerce cooperation.

Facilitating Pakistan's Online Payment Systems:

In the field of payments and finance, the parties discussed the importance of facilitating Pakistan's online payment channels. The CPBDC expressed its commitment to actively coordinating with relevant departments in Pakistan to promote the improvement and popularization of online payment systems. The SZCBEAalso stated that it would leverage its resources and technical support to help Pakistan establish a safer and more convenient online payment system. This initiative will significantly enhance cross-border e-commerce transactions between the two countries, providing more convenience for consumers and businesses.

Construction of Logistics Park:

In terms of logistics and infrastructure development, the parties plan to jointly construct a logistics park in Pakistan. The logistics park will include multiple functional modules such as warehousing, transportation, and distribution, aiming to improve Pakistan's logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs. The SZCBEAwill utilize its advantages in the logistics field to assist Pakistan in building modern logistics infrastructure, further promoting trade exchanges between the two countries.

Co-Establishment of SZCBEA Pakistan Branch:

Additionally, the parties reached a preliminary agreement on the co-establishment of the SZCBEAPakistan Branch. The SZCBEAPakistan Branch will focus on promoting exchanges and cooperation between enterprises from both countries, providing more support and services to member enterprises. The establishment of this branch will further enhance the influence of the SZCBEAin Pakistan, encouraging more Chinese enterprises to enter the Pakistani market and promoting the comprehensive development of economic and trade relations between the two countries.

The successful holding of this meeting laid a solid foundation for the cooperation between the Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association and the China-Pakistan Business Development Council. Both parties expressed their commitment to continue strengthening communication and collaboration to ensure the smooth implementation of various cooperation projects. In the future, the SZCBEA and the CPBDC will work together to promote comprehensive cooperation between China and Pakistan in cross-border e-commerce, technology, education, and logistics, making positive contributions to the high-quality economic development of both countries.