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每个星期二上午8: 00,三里屯校区4年级3个班的所有学生都会参加80分钟的英文个性化学习。


英文教学指导兼增益项目老师Nicole Shepard 守在教室外,随时为各个课堂提供咨询和支持。

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英文老师Thomas Etherington指导学生学习词的构成,练习单词的前缀、后缀等。

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英文老师Adam Hough指导学生通过游戏Roll and Read练习高频词。

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Erica Gasswint 老师指导4年级参加增益项目的学生阅读英文版《地心游记》。这个项目刚刚开始,学生们根据小说相关信息拓展学习,完成了作者年表和相关地图。

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我们的目标是满足所有学习者的个性化需求,同时为每个人提供富有挑战的学习内容和任务。” Nicole Shepard老师说。

学生们分组的依据不是水平高低,而是他们需要特别练习和掌握的某些技能,也就是说,分组是基于掌握某些目标技能的需要而进行的。比如,年中MAP测试结果显示,一些孩子需要复习元音的使用和词尾,他们就会接受 Sophie 老师的有针对性的指导……另一组学生掌握了所在层级的自然拼读和解码阅读技巧,但是需要复习希腊语和拉丁语的词根、比喻的用法和确定主题,那么他们就去Dean老师的小组,阅读那些语言用法丰富的小说来复习和应用这些技能……”


三里屯校区小而美的校园恰好成就了英文个性化教学的需求。“以4年级为例,4年级有3个班级,数量不多,但恰好能让我们把3个班级的80分钟英文课同时排在周二上午。这样,所有4年级的英文老师、预备老师、语言支持老师、增益项目老师都能同时出现,在实现最大师生比的前提下,打破班级界限,把学生们分成尽可能多的小组,接受个性化学习指导。” 三里屯校区副校长吴晗介绍说,“在大规模的校园里,受场地和其他科目老师课表等因素所限,排课时间难以协调。另外,如果没有足够多的老师在同一时间进入课堂,这样精准的分层实现起来是有困难的。”






“比如在运算单元,有的同学需要进行运算基础知识与概念的复习和巩固,有的同学需要对已掌握的知识进行综合理解和灵活运用,有的同学可以挑战解决更加复杂的实际问题。老师们会每周共同备课,讨论每个孩子的学习情况,并针对他们各自的需求设计学习活动。” 张老师补充说,“我们的目标不是辅导孩子超纲学习,而是根据国家课标要求,通过教学上的调整,保证所有学生都在适合自己的水平上学习数学,拓展他们的数学思维。

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孩子的成长各有特点,也各有各的节奏,有些学生能轻松的先声夺人,有些需要厚积,才能薄发。于是,在三里屯校区,个性化教学还包含一个更加细致的部分——学习支持老师Erik Gutiespi的工作。

所有学生都可以学习”——这是Erik Gutiespi老师的信念。如果把课堂里的个性化教学实施比喻成一整套工程,他的工作就是寻找这套工程中那些不怎么顺滑的点——也可能是工作方式,也可能是某些需要特别关注的学生,然后从专业角度提出建议,或者直接解决它。





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If the expected scores of Grades 4 and 5 students on the 2022-23 mid-year English and Chinese MAP tests are likened to rock climbing, then82% of the students have climbed higher than last year and 70% have reached their goals ahead of schedule!

At the same time,we can see that our students are not at all nervous. Instead, they are relaxed and enjoying themselves—They are learning at a comfortable pace with proper guidance and support.

Daystar is committed to personalized learning. Let’s take a look at English and Math as examples of how we carry out personalized learning at our Sanlitun Campus:

Englsih Class Across Whole Grade

At 8:00 on Tuesday morning, three Grade 4 classes at Daystar Academy’s Sanlitun Campus are participating in an 80-minute session of individualized English learning.

Unlike most rigid classroom arrangements, students here are grouped in various classrooms according to different learning needs and getting individualized guidance from English, Language support and enrichment teachers and paraeducators.

Nicole Shepard, English Coach and Enrichment Teacher, is on hand to offer advice and support.

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English teacher Thomas Etherington instructs students on word formation and monitors practice of prefixes, suffixes, etc.)

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English teacher Adam Hough guides students through a “Roll and Read” game to practice high-frequency words.

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Teacher Erica Gasswint guides Grade 4 students participating in the Enrichment Program to read the English version of Journey to the Center of the Earth. Students first expand their basic knowledge by drawing maps and completing a chronology about the author.

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All classes are structured according to students' need.

Our goal is to meet all learners where they are at, while still providing challenging and engaging content for everyone.” says Ms. Nicole Shepard.

We divide the students into groups, not just according to their level, but also according to the skills they need to develop.In other words, classroom arrangement and learning materials are based on mastering certain skills at each level. For example, mid-year MAP test results show that some students need to review vowel usage and word endings, so they will get targeted guidance from Ms. Sophie. Another group has mastered phonics and decoding reading skills at their grade level, but they need to review and improve their knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, metaphors, and key themes. So, these students go to Teacher Dean’s group to read novels featuring richer language.”

Apart from the English Enrichment Program group, all other groups change regularly. Every six weeks, teachers reassess students’ needs and make adjustments based on learners’ MAP scores and reading assessments.

Our small and exquisite Sanlitun Campus is happened to meet the demand for individualized English teaching.“Take Grade 4 for an example: There are three classes in total, which is not a large number, so it allows us to schedule the 80-minute English classes for all three classes on Tuesday morning. In this way, all English teachers, paraeducators, language support teachers, and Enrichment Program teachers for Grade 4 can take classes at the same time.Such individualized learning guidance can be provided while maintaining the optimal student-teacher ratio by breaking the boundaries of classes and dividing students into as many small groups as possible,” explained Hannah Wu, Vice Principal of Daystar Academy’s Sanlitun Campus. “In large campuses, it’s not easy to coordinate schedules of teachers due to limitations in space and the schedules of various subject teachers. If we don’t have enough teachers at the same time, it’s hard to cater to students of different levels.”

At our Sanlitun Campus, we provide personalized English learning for all grade levels. In addition to 80-minute sessions in Grades 4 and 5, teachers also provide individualized support as well as group tutoring for students in Grades 1 to 3.

Math Class Expanding Mathematical Thinking

Daystar Academy’s Sanlitun Campus also provides individualized math learning support. For example, in Grades 4 and 5, we have 80-minute classes every week where students are divided into three groups based on their needs of targeted guidance from math teachers.

Math learning involves many knowledge points and more tests than other subjects. Tests, homework, and classroom performance thus lay the basis for teachers to judge the status of students’ learning.

“We divide students into groups, not based on their performance in a single exam, but on multiple and comprehensive assessment data. So, apart from the Math Enrichment group, we may change the groupings in almost every personalized session,” said Cimi Zhang, Math Coach at Daystar Academy’s Sanlitun Campus.

“For example, in the calculation unit, some students need to review and consolidate arithmetic fundamentals and concepts, some need to synthesize and apply their knowledge flexibly, and some can be challenged to solve more complex real-world problems. Teachers plan lessons together every week, discussing each student's academic performance and designing learning activities to meet their individual needs.” added Cimi.“Based on national curriculum requirements, we ensure that each student effectively learns the most appropriate knowledge for their level and expands their mathematical thinking.”

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All Students Can Learn

Every student develops at their own pace. Some excel effortlessly, while others require more support. Therefore, at Daystar Academy’s Sanlitun Campus, individualized teaching also involves another very meticulous aspect—the work of learning support teacher Erik Gutiespi.

Erik Gutiespi believes that“All students can learn.”One way of approaching individualized teaching is for teachers identify risk points in any learning task—this could involve changing the teaching method or paying more attention to certain students.

“For instance, some of our students’ abilities are far beyond their grade level. We often need to pay special attention to their state of mind because they may get bored if the lesson content is not challenging enough. I work with Enrichment Program teachers to figure out how to extend the Enrichment Program to keep these talented students engaged.”

For gifted students and those in need of special support, teachers designed individualized support plans and keep parents updated about their child’s learning.

As an experienced learning supporter, Erik shuttles between teaching and management roles.

Every week, he meets with Chinese and English teachers to discuss personalized teaching strategies. For instance, if Grade 4 students have an upcoming English poetry unit but need to build up their vocabulary in advance, Erik and the teachers would design learning activities to first teach them important new words. This way, when the poetry unit begins, everyone can be well-prepared.

Every two weeks, Erik also meets with the management team of the Sanlitun Campus to discuss personalized teaching strategies and needs at a macro level, and seek solutions.

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All students can learn effectively, as long as they receive targeted guidance and support.

Isn’t it every parent’s wish to see their children flourish in their education? At Daystar’s Sanlitun Campus, students learn at their own pace with personalized support and effective study becomes a fundamental part of their daily lives.

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