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张洪济,男,汉族,1940 年 8 月生,山东荣成人,1965 年毕业于山东师范学院中文系,国家一级美术师,国礼藏品艺术家,现为青岛开发区书画研究院副院长、中国书画家协会会员、青岛开发区老年书画研究会副会长、中国艺术投资协会名管副会长、中国国画家协会理事、东方艺术研究院名誉院长、山东文化艺术研究院研究员、中国书画艺术委员会、海内外书画艺术家联谊会、青岛市美协等会员,中国民族书画院等特聘书画家。中国收藏家协会会员。晚年由画花鸟进入画山水,並独创泼彩画法。尤得新的意景。

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自幼习画,大学时为系刊美术编辑,毕业后虽长期从事文化宣传和编辑等行政工作,但绘画嗜癖不辍,初临伯年、八怪,后习雪涛、黄幻吾。在不断研究石涛(画谱)的过程中深得“一画之法”之教义。绘画同时又重点研习篆书篆刻,书画 互惠,相得益彰。作品清新俊逸,古朴而有创意,深受大众真爱。

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八十年代始,先后在青岛、日照、胶州、即墨等市举办个展,并多次参加全国、全省、全市书画联展,获金奖、大奖、一、二、三等奖项十数次。个人入编《中国历代书画家名人辞海》,作品入编《百年经典——中国美术全集》、《世界传世名画书法鉴赏》、《中国当代著名书画家珍品选》、《当代书画名家经典》、《跨世纪中国书画艺术经典》、《民族之花- 中华人民共和国书画名家作品集》等十几本大型画册,并流传到美国、加拿大、荷兰、日本、南韩及东南亚各地。著有《石涛画谱译析》。

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Zhang Hongji, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1940 in Rongcheng, Shandong, graduated from the Chinese Department of Shandong Normal University in 1965. He is a national first-class artist and an artist of national collections. He is currently the Vice President of the Qingdao Development Zone Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice President of the Qingdao Development Zone Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Vice President of the China Art Investment Association, Director of the China National Painters Association, Honorary Dean of the Oriental Art Research Institute, Researcher of the Shandong Culture and Art Research Institute, a member of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, the Association of Calligraphers and Painters at Home and Abroad, and a member of the Qingdao Artists Association. He is also a specially invited calligrapher and painter from the China National Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Member of the Chinese Collectors Association. In his later years, he entered the field of landscape painting from painting flowers and birds, and created a unique technique of splashing colors. You have gained a new perspective.

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I have been studying painting since childhood and worked as an art editor for a department magazine during my college years. Although I have been engaged in administrative work such as cultural propaganda and editing for a long time since graduation, I have always had a passion for painting. I first met Bo Nian and Ba Guai, and later Xi Xuetao and Huang Huanwu. In the process of continuously studying Shi Tao's (art sheet), I have gained a deep understanding of the doctrine of "one painting method". At the same time, painting also focuses on studying seal script and carving, promoting mutual benefit between calligraphy and painting. The work is fresh and elegant, simple and creative, deeply loved by the public.

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Since the 1980s, individual exhibitions have been held in cities such as Qingdao, Rizhao, Jiaozhou, and Jimo, and have participated in national, provincial, and city wide calligraphy and painting exhibitions multiple times. They have won gold, major awards, first, second, and third prizes more than ten times. I have personally been included in the "Dictionary of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters throughout the Ages", and my works have been included in more than ten large-scale art albums, including "A Complete Collection of Chinese Fine Arts - A Century of Classics", "Appreciation of World Famous Calligraphers and Painters Calligraphy", "Selected Treasures of Contemporary Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Classic of Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters", "Classic of Cross Century Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art", "Flower of the Nation - Collection of Calligraphers and Painters of the People's Republic of China", and have been circulated throughout the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia. He is the author of "Translation and Analysis of Shi Tao's Paintings".

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