地理标志产品 高平大黄梨

Product of geographical indication

Gaoping Large-yellow Pear


Product Features

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Gaoping Large-yellow Pear with golden color, large and round shape, thick and waxy skin, and is resistant to storage. Its pulp is white, juicy and crispy, with moderate sweetness and acidity. It contains 3.9% sugar and 0.33% acid, with a moderate sugar to acid ratio, high vitamin and mineral content, and is rich in fiber (stone cells), which is in line with the modern concept of healthy dietary concepts.


The fruit of the Gaoping Large-yellow Pear trees, which is over a hundred years old, “ absorbs the nimbus of the universe and the prime of the sun and moon.” It has the special effects of nourishing the right and removing evil, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, protecting liver, clearing heart, streng-thening spleen, nourishing lungs, and tonifying the kidneys


Humanism History

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Gaoping City has a long history of cultivating Large-yellow Pear, which has a history of more than 1500 years. As early as the Sui Dynasty, they were designated as tribute treasures by the imperial family. The Medical sage Li Shizhen (Ming) highly praised Gaoping Dahuang Large-yellow Pear as the top grade pear in the Compendium of Materia Medica.


“There are pear gardens in every village and pear trees in every household.” Sizhuang Town is truly the “hometown of the Large-yellow Pear”, with over 60000 old pear trees that have been around for over a hundred years.


Origin Environmental

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Sizhuang Town, which mainly produces large yellow pears, belongs to the continental warm temperate monsoon climate with four seasons and simultaneous rain and heat. During the mature summer and autumn of Gaoping Large-yellow Pear, the local tempera-ture difference between day and night reaches 12-13℃, which is conducive to the accumulation of sugar, soluble solids and other substances. The annual frost-free period is 177 days, with an average annual sunshine of 2398.2 hours and sufficient sunshine; The distribution of selenium-rich soil in the town is over 42%, and the soil is fertile with deep layers and high organic matter content; Located at the source of the Danhe River, with clean water quality and sufficient water sources, which is the preferred place for crop growth and development.


Scope of protection: The current administrative area of Gaoping City.


Industry Developement

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“Gaoping Large-yellow Pear” as one of the colorful agriculture in Gao-ping, based on the advantages of local specialty resources, focusing on the yellow pear industry, with high standards, high requirements, and high-quality planning and design. It has initially formed a “Four-in-one” comprehensive industrial develop-ment model that integrates “planting, management, sales, and attach-ment”.

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Planting: Construct three pear plantations in Xiqu Village, Gaoliang Village, and Jiacun Village of Sizhuang Town

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Management: Natural ecological management

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Attachment: Extend the industrial chain and increase added value through deep processing methods such as pear slices, dried pear, pear paste, and pear juice

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Sales: Fresh fruits are sold in grades