地理标志产品 山西老陈醋

Product of geographical indication

Shanxi mature vinegar

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Product Name:Shanxi Mature Vinegar

Registration Number of Geographical Indication Certification Trademark:No. 6173333

Publication Number of Geographical Indication Protection Product:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China in 2004 No. 104




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 Product Features

Shanxi mature vinegar is mainly made from sorghum and bran, with Daqu as the saccharogenic and fermentative agent. It undergoes alcohol fermentation, high-temperature solid-state acetic acid fermentation, fumigation of mash, vinegar pouring, and then placed in a tank or pool for sun drying and ice brewing. The brewing period is more than 12 months.

Shanxi mature vinegar, with a dark brown or rufous color and a glossy appearance, the aroma of which is unique to this product, with rich and harmonious aromas of incense, ester, and mature. The taste is smooth and sour, with a mellow and soft taste that is sweet, sour and fresh. Meanwhile, the aftertaste of the vinegar is long-lasting. Shanxi mature vinegar has a uniform form, thick and clear, and allows for a small amount of sediment. It has a distinctive style of “soft, sour, fragrant, sweet, and fresh”.

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 Humanistic History

Shanxi mature vinegar is the essence of Chinese catering culture and the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese people. Its unique and exquisite brewing techniques have been passed down from generation to generation, becoming a shining pearl in Chinese intangible cultural heritage.

Shanxi mature vinegar, as the top of four famous vinegars in China, has a history of over 4000 years and is known as the “number one vinegar in the world”.

It was recorded in the Book of History · Yue Ming, Bamboo Annals, Book of Rites·Nei Ze and Qi Min Yao Shu that Shanxi mature vinegar sprouted in the Xia and Shang dynasties and was named Xi which means vinegar in ancient China. In the Zhou Dynasty, during court banquets, Xi was listed as the top grade and ranked first among the five flavors. Since the Han Dynasty, there had been professional Xi brewing workshops, and Xi was renamed vinegar. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the skill of brewing vinegar became more perfect and became a luxury food for aristocratic officials and celebrities. During the Han and Tang dynasties, the Xi-making workshops in the area of Bingzhou (Jinyang) became increasingly prosperous. From civilians to the government, making and drinking Xi became a trend. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, vinegar brewing techniques in Shanxi became increasingly exquisite. With the migration of Shanxi people and the footsteps of Shanxi merchants, Xi production technology and vinegar customs had been brought to the whole China, making it an important carrier of Shanxi's fame throughout the country.

In 1934, Mr. Fang Xinfang, the founder of Chinese industrial microbiology, wrote "Shanxi Vinegar", which mentioned that the most famous types of vinegar in China were Shanxi vinegar and Zhenjiang vinegar. Zhenjiang vinegar has a thick and medicinal flavor, which is inferior to Shanxi vinegar. Shanxi vinegar has a mellow color and aroma, all of which are due to long-term placed. The vinegar itself is generated through chemical reactions and is not artificially counterfeited. It is truly a Chinese famous product.

On February 27, 2019, Wang Yi, then State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, praised Shanxi mature vinegar “the best vinegar in the world” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s Shanxi global promotion activity. On September 29, 2021, the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th People's Congress of Shanxi Province passed the "Shanxi Vinegar Protection Regulations" (which came into effect on January 1, 2022). The draft regulations consist of 4 chapters and 24 articles, which are applicable to the production and operation, traditional craftsmanship and intellectual property protection, cultural inheritance, technological innovation, and supervision and management of Shanxi mature vinegar. On January 27, 2022, during his inspection in Shanxi, the president Xi jinping learned about the brewing techniques and characteristic operations of Shanxi mature vinegar as a national intangible cultural heritage, and mentioned that vinegar can play a role in promoting Healthy China.

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  Origin environment

Shanxi Province has a parallel quadrilateral terrain that slopes from northeast to southwest, and is a typical mountainous plateau covered by the Loess Plateau. Shanxi has abundant agricultural resources, including sorghum, barley, corn, and peas, which provide extremely favorable resources for brewing Shanxi mature vinegar.

The water used for Shanxi mature vinegar comes from underground, which originates from Tianlong Mountain. Tianlong Mountain, formerly known as Fangshan, is a branch of the Lvliang Mountains, with an altitude of 1700 meters. It is located 36 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan. Tianlong Mountain is towering, with pine and cypress trees forming a shade, and the sound of streams and springs is pleasant. The mountains are rich in sand shale, with a forest coverage rate of 70%, making it a high-quality water source for brewing Shanxi mature vinegar. This unique condition determines the taste of Shanxi mature vinegar with a full-bodied, soft taste, sweet and sour palatable, long after taste characteristics.

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  Industry Development

In recent years, the innovation power of Shanxi mature vinegar enterprises has been significantly enhanced, striving to further manifest the industrial cluster effect by the end of 2025. Vinegar production of Shanxi province exceeded 1 million tons, main business revenue exceeded 4 billion yuan, and industrial scale and benefit continued to grow. Shanxi vinegar enterprises across the country’s average level of “survival line”, more than 20 enterprises reached the advanced level of the country’s industry “development line”. 1-2 leading vinegar companies have gone public in the capital market, embarking on a path of "special and excellent" development that is scaled up, intensive, and high-quality.

The industry association actively plays the role of a bridge and link, using various traditional and emerging media to widely promote the "Number One Vinegar in the World" business card of Shanxi, continuously improving the national attention, recognition, and reputation of Shanxi mature vinegar, and helping to promote the rapid development of Shanxi's vinegar industry.