On May 21, 2024, New York time, the Mayor's Mansion celebrated Asian Pacific American Heritage.World Madam 2022 Global overallchampion Lili Han was invited to attend and accepted the Recognition of Your Lifetime Achievements and ContributionsAward from the Mayor.

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Mrs. Lili Han has been honored with the Outstanding Volunteer Award by President Biden and former President Barack Obama for her dedication to community development and nurturing elite and young Asian American leaders.

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Lili Han gave a wonderful speech after receiving the award. She said: I am very honored to receive this award and recognition. I am where I am today because we were fortunate enough to stand on the shoulders of giants, and thanks to the generations before us who worked hard and hard to pave the way for a more open and inclusive society, so that future generations have the opportunity to carry on the work of those who came before us.

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A win for the AAPI community is a win for everyone. Everybody stick together, try and all ethnic groups work together to develop a harmonious, civilized, advanced and safe society.

It is reported that about 800 people from various ethnic communities attended the celebration.

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