地理标志产品 沁州黄小米

Product of geographical indication

Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet





Product Name:

Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet

Publication Number of Geographical Indication Protection Product:

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the people’s republic of China in 2003 No. 75



Product Features

"Qinzhouhuang"  was bestowed by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, renowned for its royal tribute of millet. It is a representative of Shanxi millet and is known as the "King of millet in the World" and "National millet". "Qinzhouhuang" millet has a natural color, resembling pearls. The millet oil is mellow, fragrant, soft and delicious, and rich in nutrients. Its protein, fat, trace elements, and crude fiber are all higher than ordinary millet, the folk proverb goes "Golden Pearl" and "Golden Pearl does not exchange for “Qinzhouhuang". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet has a sweet taste, a slightly cold nature, and has the effects of clearing heat, diuresis, reducing swelling, and nourishing yin.





Humanistic History

"Qinzhouhuang" relies on a strict set of agronomy and high-quality soil and climate, and its traditional planting system can be traced back to the period of Emperor Yan of Shennong.

According to legend, Qinzhou was a lake in ancient times, and the southeast of Tan Mountain was inhabited by phoenixes. One year during a severe drought, the crops dried up, but only a few wild valleys in Fenghuang Terrace grew well and had a pleasant autumn harvest. From then on, people sowed and cultivated millet here for years. The millet became more and more round and crystal clear, sweet and delicious. People believed that it was the divine seed brought by the phoenix. Nowadays, the Fenghuang Terrace is still surrounded by green trees, with a gentle breeze blowing, people constantly come to worship the Shennong and Phoenix, begging for blessings. The traditional farming method and organic and green production methods of "Qinzhouhuang" are effective mechanisms for protecting soil and long-term agricultural interests.

"Qinzhouhuang" originates from and grows in the region, rooted in local resources, water sources, sheep herds, seeds, etc., it is a sustainable and permanent industry, and a more green, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly cause.


沁县地处东经112° 27'~112° 53',北纬36° 25'~36° 58'之间,平均海拔1000~1100米,且境内水资源极其丰富,有“北方水城”之称,有“天旱地不旱”的奇妙的地理气候,给予了“沁州黄”理想的生长条件。




Origin environment

Qinzhou is located between longitude 112 ° 27 ' to 112 ° 53' east and latitude 36 ° 25 ' to 36 ° 58' north, with an average elevation of 1000-1100 meters. The county is extremely rich in water resources and is known as the "Northern Water City". It has a wonderful geographical climate of "drought in the sky and not in the land", providing ideal growth conditions for "Qinzhouhuang".

"Qinzhouhuang" farming has a strict set of methods, and each step needs to be strictly controlled: before planting, three selections (selecting land, selecting seeds, and selecting fertilizers) must be made, three soil moisture levels must be adjusted for planting, three checks must be made for planting grains, and three principles must be followed: three hoes must be used for valley cultivation, three methods must be used for disease prevention, three methods must be used for cutting grains, and two rounds of threshing must be carried out.

The "Qinzhouhuang" farming method relies on the rural customs and traditions of "respecting nature, cultivation and read to bequeath to the family, cherishing the soil for life, and striving for sustainable utilization".

Protection scope: 13 townships including Dingchang Town, Zhangyuan Town, Xindian Town, Cecun Town, Guocun Town, Guxian Town, Niusi Township, Duanliu Township, Songcun Township, Cicun Township (now Qinzhouhuang Town), Nanli Township, Nanquan Township, and Yang'an Township in Qin County; Yongquan Township, Gucheng Town, Fengzhou Town, and other three townships in Wuxiang County surrounding Qin County; Two townships in Xiangyuan County, including Tingting Town and Wangcun Town; Wuyuan Town in Tunliu County has a total of 19 townships.




Industry Development

In recent years, the local government has done a lot of work to promote the development and growth of Qinzhouhuang, such as naming Qinzhouhuang Town to expand its popularity; Develop the entire industrial chain of planting, processing, and sales in the original and main production areas of "Qinzhouhuang"; Issued a plan for the protection and development of the Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet cultural system from 2022 to 2030; Introduced supportive policies to promote the high-quality development of the "Qinzhouhuang" industry; Declared the agricultural cultural heritage of the traditional planting system of Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet; Develop various standards to support the development of leading enterprises.

In 2022, the annual output of enterprises that using the Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet geographical indication was 5322 tons, with a production value of 138.05 million yuan. Some leading enterprises have covered 28 provinces and regions, over 200 prefecture level cities, and more than 10000 terminal sales outlets in their sales markets, which are highly favored by consumers and exported to the United States and Canada, with broad market prospects.