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"Citizens of Israel, today we paid a heart-rending price in our just war in defense of our homeland. With deep sorrow, and in heavy mourning, I bow my head together with all citizens of Israel and weep over the fall of our heroic fighters:

Deputy company commander in an engineering battalion, Capt. Wassem Mahmoud and additional heroic soldiers whose names have yet to be released.

Our hearts are shattered before this terrible loss. The entire people of Israel embraces the dear families in their most difficult hour of grief. I stand by our brave fighters and commanders, who are imbued with the sacred mission to defeat our enemies and return our hostages.

When the price is so heavy, let us remember what we are fighting for: We are fighting to ensure our existence and our future. We are fighting to return all of our hostages.

This difficult war was forced upon us by an abhorrent and murderous enemy. On Simchat Torah, the Hamas monsters invaded our kibbutzim, our communities, our cities, and the festival of young people who desired only good.

They butchered, raped, beheaded, burned, dismembered and abducted our brothers and sisters – infants and children, women and men, the young and the old.

This monstrous enemy has no intention of stopping here. Together with the other parts of Iran's axis of evil, it will continue trying to destroy us. If we do not stop it – it will not stop. Therefore, there is no alternative to victory.

Citizens of Israel, do not let anyone distract you from one clear and simple fact: Despite the heavy and unsettling price, we must cling to the goals of the war:

The destruction of Hamas's military and governing capabilities, the return of all of our hostages, making certain that Gaza will never again constitute a threat to Israel and the return of our residents securely to their homes in both the north and the south.

We are in the midst of a very difficult war. The war is being conducted on several fronts, including the international front. We are ready for many additional challenges.

At this time we must show our people's strength of spirit, thanks to which we have overcome all of our enemies. So it will be this time as well. 'It is a time of trouble for Jacob but out of it he shall be saved.'
Together we will fight and with G-d's help, together we will win.




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亚伊尔·罗特曼 中士:

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此时此刻,我们必须展现我们人民的精神力量,凭借这种力量,我们战胜了所有的敌人。这次也是如此。 “对雅各来说,这是一段艰难的时期,但他将从中得救。”(出自《耶利米书》)