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On 15th-16th Jun 2024, The TNF100 event with individual races officially returned to North China above the Yangtze River, after years of suspension.

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The TNF100 Sheyang was held in the Chessplate Scenery Zone 棋盘山风景区, and it attracted more than 2000 runners, aged from 4 years old to 67 years old from all over China.

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There are 5 categories in the race: 5km Kid Run, 15km, 30km, 50km and 80km. The theme was “being friendly to the newbies”. So, the variations of elevation were lower than most races with similar lengths, while the cut-off time remained quite ample and supply stations were at short intervals like 8 or 10km, with water and food piled like small hills.

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The 80km, 50km and 30km started on the morning of 15th, Jun, with a little chill, under the azure sky after days of intermittent rain. However, the sunshine after 11 am brought the temperature up quickly, making it a little bit harder to run or trek in exposing areas without shadows above.

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Some expat runners joined the pleasure thing. Shenyang-based British language teacher Peter Jackson took part in the 80km and finished 4th male, or 6th overall among some 200 runners. He was very happy with the result before moving to the next destination for working and living. “A Chinese lady is very prompt when running downhill, but I am clumsy. Even if I did make it to 9 hours, I am satisfied with the result. I hope my (Chinese) wife and kid will love sports too.”

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To make runners experience the local style, the organiser arranged the start and finish in the Guandong Movie Industry Town关东影视城, where the houses are built and decorated according to the old photos.

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For example, you can store your extra items in a mocked pawn shop with volunteers dressing the apparel of disciples in the ROC Era (1910s-1940s) behind the counter.

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The after-race banquet zone offered local snacks like smashed corn porridge, steamed eggplant with potato, baked sweet potatoes, chicken skeleton, sliced chicken and so on. “The food array warmed up our heart and stomach.” Runners said.

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But the event never pampers anybody without appropriate preparation.

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Without good stamina, you will lose a huge amount of time in the flat phases (75%). Insufficient training in mountain running will lead to frustration on technical slopes in the woods (less than 20%) and continuous pains in the days after the race. The race director said all runners had to respect the nature of trail running and take it more seriously to feel better in the race and accelerate recovery.

Top Results

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80km Male

1 Yang LIU 刘阳


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80km Female

1 Xiaoxiao ZHANG 张潇筱

09:23:10 (2nd overall)

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50km Male

1 Zhengqiang XIONG 熊正强


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50km Female

1 Jingjing ZHOU 周晶晶

05:21:11 (8th overall)

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30km Male

1 Haiyu LIU 刘海钰


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30km Female

1 Yanhong WANG 王艳红

03:39:47 (5th overall)

Photo/TNF100 Sheyang

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