
The Twelve Zodiac series is a collection of trendy digital art works by the artistBlackSoupof-TNTStudio-, inspired by the traditional Chinese zodiac. The style merges mechanical elements with cyberpunk aesthetics, reimagining the representative animals of the twelve zodiac signs as complex machines. While expressing respect for traditional culture, it also endows it with a distinctly sci-fi and modern visual experience.

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It has antlers like a deer, a head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage (giant clam), scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, paws like a tiger, and ears like an ox.

——"Er Ya Yi"

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Jade snakes slither slowly, their light unrolling like flowing silk. Pearls strung together seem to tread on the distant waves of the curtain. Flowers sway revealing the movement of fish. A red dress, like a string about to tilt.

——"Bodhisattva Man"


Minute writings tie the ribbons, as the spirit snake descends, The worm bends, the dragon coils, looking around leisurely. Scales contract with emerald light, drawing out dazzling brilliance, The belly joined with golden hues moves in curved rings. Having shed its bones after the storm, why emulate carrying pearls in the wilderness? Knowing your whole body protects Kunlun, not deigning to flick your tail at Mount Chang.

——"The Spirit Snake Visits Shaolin Temple"

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A dragon horse with snow-white fur, a golden saddle befits a hero of Wuling. Autumn frost sharp as a jade sword, setting sun like a pearl robe. Cockfighting, a pastime of the mighty, how lofty their carriages and canopies. Bows that break tigers of the southern mountains, hands catching monkeys of Taihang. Boasting after wine, flaunting treasured blades, killing men as if mowing grass, a fierce rivalry like that of Ju and Meng. Setting forth with determination from Hangu Pass, joining the army towards Lintao. Shouting commands through a hundred battles, making the Huns flee in terror. Returning with the vigor of wine, yet refusing to bow before Xiao and Cao. Ashamed to enter Yuan Xian's chamber, a wild life hidden among thistles and weeds.

——Li Bai's "White Horse"

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Forsaking drink to correct dissolute customs, I travel, driving dreams of exceptional talent. An immortal embracing a rock departs, a young boy driving a cart arrives. At night, jade contains moving stars, in the morning, felt reflects the opening of snow. Do not speak of the swan gaining strength, rather tend to the flock in the recesses of the Upper Forest.

——Li Jiao's "Sheep"

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