
The Twelve Zodiac series is a collection of trendy digital art works by the artistBlackSoupof-TNTStudio-, inspired by the traditional Chinese zodiac. The style merges mechanical elements with cyberpunk aesthetics, reimagining the representative animals of the twelve zodiac signs as complex machines. While expressing respect for traditional culture, it also endows it with a distinctly sci-fi and modern visual experience.

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Do you not see, the Emperor Ming had an elephant that could bow and dance, staring defiantly at An Lushan in anger. And do you not see, Emperor Zhaozong had a monkey that could assist him, looking at Zhu Quanzhong as it snatched his arm and cried out. Both dynasties indulged in pets, indeed losing their ambitions, yet these unusual creatures served their country with a sense of justice. As the Heavenly Treasures inspected the Shu roads, and at the beginning of the Kaiping era, the Tang dynasty's fortune faltered. All officials served the traitors, fleeing for their lives; the Prime Ministers, fearing for their clans, were spiritually unrested. Your elephant, your monkey, furious and resentful, though their faces were beasts, their hearts were human. How many loyal men knew at that time? Magnificent were these righteous beasts, unafraid of death.

——"Yi Shou Xing" by Zhao Ruju

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——杜甫 《雞》

Marking its virtues, it crows five times to herald the day, always crowing thrice at the first light. Different lands hear it differently, yet it feels no shame when out of time. Asking if it resembles human customs, it's fit enough for the kitchen crowd. As its call crosses the courtyards at dawn, the dripping water clock faces south in the Wuxia Gorges.

——"Chicken" by Du Fu

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The Gaoxin clan had an elderly woman living in the royal household, who suffered from an ear disease. When probed, a large object the size of a cocoon was extracted. The woman placed it in a gourd and covered it with a dish. In a short while, it transformed into a dog with a coat of five colors. Hence, it was named 'Panlu' (the gourd dish).

——"Book of the Later Han - Biography of the Southern Barbarians"

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In the Eastern regions, a pig is called 'zhi', or sometimes 'shi'. In Southern Chu, it is called 'xi', and its young are called 'tun', or sometimes 'xi'. In the regions of Wu and Yang, it is referred to as 'zhu zi'.


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