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EPA是美国环境保护局( u.senvironmental protectionagency)的英文简称。其主要任务是保护本国人民的健康及自然环境、空气、水和土地,我们赖以生存的生态环境。



All of the information you need to learn aboutregistering pesticides or establishments with the EPA is available online.The PesticideRegistration Manual is a resource for companies and individuals whowant to have their pesticide products registered for sale in the United States.The manual also gives extensive information about importing pesticides, thecost of registration, data requirements, and all other aspects of the process.


If, after reviewing the Pesticide RegistrationManual, you still have questions, it would be best for you to contact theOmbudsman, whose contact information is listed on the right side margin of thelinked web page.
