Kyiv is making it increasingly difficult for Russia to keep the peninsula supplied. 基辅使俄罗斯越来越难以保持半岛的供应。

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The attack is the latest stage of Ukraine’s complex operation aimed at making Russia's hold over Crimea untenable. | Vasily Maximov/AFP via Getty Images 这次袭击是乌克兰复杂行动的最新阶段,旨在使俄罗斯对克里米亚的控制站不住脚。|瓦西里·马克西莫夫/法新社通过盖蒂图片社

KYIV — Ukraine is making it increasingly difficult for Russia to hang on to illegally annexed Crimea thanks to an ongoing campaign that's targeting air defenses, rail links and water connections.基辅——乌克兰正在让俄罗斯越来越难以守住非法吞并的克里米亚,这要归功于一场针对防空、铁路和水路连接的持续行动。

The latest blows were struck on Friday, when a joint Ukrainian navy and army operation hit a ferry crossing and oil terminal at the port of Kavkaz, located on the Russian side of the Kerch Strait that divides Crimea from Russia, Ukraine’s general staff said in a statement.乌克兰总参谋部在一份声明中说,最新的打击发生在周五,当时乌克兰海军和陆军的联合行动袭击了位于刻赤海峡俄罗斯一侧的卡夫卡兹港的渡轮过境点和石油码头,该海峡将克里米亚与俄罗斯分开。

Hours earlier, Ukrainians hit the Crimean side of the Kerch ferry crossing — damaging two rail ferries, the Avanguard and the Conro Trader, that are crucial to Russia's ability to keep Crimea supplied.几个小时前,乌克兰人袭击了刻赤渡轮过境点的克里米亚一侧——损坏了两艘铁路渡轮,即 Avanguard 和 Conro Trader,这对俄罗斯保持克里米亚供应的能力至关重要。