The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented assault on Israel on 7 October, with hundreds of gunmen infiltrating communities near the Gaza Strip.10月7日,巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯对以色列发动了史无前例的袭击,数百名枪手渗透到加沙地带附近的社区。

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About 1,200 people were killed, and more than 250 were taken to Gaza as hostages, according to Israeli tallies.据以色列统计,大约 1,200 人被杀,超过 250 人被劫持到加沙作为人质。

More than 33,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in air and artillery strikes carried out by the Israeli military in response, Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry says.加沙哈马斯卫生部称,以色列军队针对加沙发动空袭和炮击,造成超过 33,000 名巴勒斯坦人死亡。

What was Israel before 1948?1948 年之前的以色列是什么样子?

Britain took control of the area known as Palestine following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, which ruled that part of the Middle East, in World War One.在第一次世界大战中,统治中东地区的奥斯曼帝国战败后,英国控制了巴勒斯坦地区。

The land was inhabited by a Jewish minority and Arab majority, as well as other, smaller ethnic groups.这片土地上居住着少数犹太人和多数阿拉伯人,以及其他较小的民族。

Tensions between the two peoples grew when the international community gave the UK the task of establishing a "national home" in Palestine for Jewish people.当国际社会赋予英国在巴勒斯坦为犹太人建立“民族之家”的任务时,两国人民之间的紧张关系加剧。

This stemmed from the Balfour Declaration of 1917, a pledge made by then Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Britain's Jewish community.这源于 1917 年的《贝尔福宣言》,这是时任外交大臣阿瑟·贝尔福对英国犹太社区做出的承诺。

The declaration was enshrined in the British mandate over Palestine and endorsed by the newly-created League of Nations - forerunner of the United Nations - in 1922.该宣言被载入英国对巴勒斯坦的托管管辖权,并于 1922 年得到新成立的国际联盟(联合国的前身)的认可。

To Jews Palestine was their ancestral home, but Palestinian Arabs also claimed the land and opposed the move.对于犹太人来说,巴勒斯坦是他们的祖籍,但巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人也声称拥有这片土地,并反对此举。

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A Haganah (Jewish Underground) fighter just before the start of the Israeli War of Independence 19481948 年以色列独立战争爆发前夕的一名哈加纳(犹太地下组织)战士

Between the 1920s and 1940s, the number of Jews arriving there grew, with many fleeing from persecution in Europe, especially the Nazi Holocaust in World War Two.20 年代至 1940 年代,抵达那里的犹太人数量不断增加,其中许多人是为了躲避欧洲的迫害,尤其是第二次世界大战中的纳粹大屠杀。

Violence between Jews and Arabs, and against British rule, also increased.犹太人和阿拉伯人之间的暴力以及反对英国统治的暴力也有所增加。

In 1947, the UN voted for Palestine to be split into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem becoming an international city.1947年,联合国投票决定将巴勒斯坦分为独立的犹太国家和阿拉伯国家,耶路撒冷成为一个国际城市。

That plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the Arab side and never implemented.该计划被犹太领导人接受,但遭到阿拉伯方面的拒绝,并且从未实施。

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The soldiers of allied Arab Legion forces fire on fighters of the Haganah, the Jewish Agency self-defence force, in March 19481948 年 3 月,阿拉伯军团联盟部队的士兵向犹太机构自卫队哈加纳的战士开火

How and why was Israel created?以色列是如何以及为何被创建的?

In 1948, unable to solve the problem, Britain withdrew and Jewish leaders declared the creation of the State of Israel.1948年,由于无法解决问题,英国退出,犹太领导人宣布成立以色列国。

It was intended to be a safe haven for Jews fleeing persecution, as well as a national homeland for Jews.它的目的是成为逃离迫害的犹太人的避风港,也是犹太人的民族家园。

Fighting between Jewish and Arab militias had been intensifying for months, and the day after Israel declared statehood, five Arab countries attacked.数月以来,犹太民兵和阿拉伯民兵之间的战斗一直在加剧,以色列宣布建国后的第二天,五个阿拉伯国家遭到袭击。

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Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were forced out of their homes in what they call Al Nakba, orthe "Catastrophe"数十万巴勒斯坦人在所谓的“灾难”中逃离或被迫离开家园

By the time the fighting ended in a ceasefire the following year, Israel controlled most of the territory.当第二年战斗以停火结束时,以色列控制了大部分领土。

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·9.8 million980万Population人口




Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics资料来源:以色列中央统计局

Jordan occupied land which became known as the West Bank, and Egypt occupied Gaza.约旦占领了后来被称为约旦河西岸的土地,埃及占领了加沙。

Jerusalem was divided between Israeli forces in the West, and Jordanian forces in the East.耶路撒冷分为西部的以色列军队和东部的约旦军队。

Because there was never a peace agreement there were more wars and fighting in the following decades.由于从未达成和平协议,因此在接下来的几十年里发生了更多的战争和战斗。

The map of Israel以色列地图

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In a war in 1967, Israel occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as most of the Syrian Golan Heights, Gaza and the Egyptian Sinai peninsula.在1967年的一场战争中,以色列占领了东耶路撒冷和约旦河西岸,以及叙利亚戈兰高地的大部分地区、加沙和埃及西奈半岛。

Most Palestinian refugees and their descendants live in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as in neighbouring Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.大多数巴勒斯坦难民及其后裔居住在加沙和西岸,以及邻国约旦、叙利亚和黎巴嫩。

Neither they nor their descendants have been allowed by Israel to return to their homes - Israel says this would overwhelm the country and threaten its existence as a Jewish state.以色列不允许他们和他们的后代返回家园 - 以色列表示这将压垮该国并威胁其作为犹太国家的存在。

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Israeli military commanders arrive in East Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 19671967 年六日战争期间,以色列军事指挥官抵达东耶路撒冷

Israel still occupies the West Bank and claims the whole of Jerusalem as its capital, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a hoped-for future Palestinian state. The US is one of only a handful of countries to recognise the city as Israel's capital.以色列仍然占领着约旦河西岸,并声称整个耶路撒冷是其首都,而巴勒斯坦人则声称东耶路撒冷是未来巴勒斯坦国的首都。美国是少数承认这座城市为以色列首都的国家之一。

In the past 50 years Israel has built settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where more than 700,000 Jews now live.过去50年来,以色列在约旦河西岸和东耶路撒冷建立了定居点,目前居住着超过70万犹太人。

Settlements are held to be illegal under international law - that is the position of the UN Security Council and the UK government, among others - although Israel rejects this.根据国际法,定居点被认为是非法的——这是联合国安理会和英国政府等机构的立场——尽管以色列拒绝了这一点。

What is the Gaza Strip?加沙地带是什么?

Gaza is a narrow strip of land sandwiched between Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, but with a short southern border with Egypt.加沙是夹在以色列和地中海之间的狭长地带,但南部与埃及接壤。

Just 41km (25 miles) long and 10km wide, it has more than two million inhabitants and is one of the most densely populated places on Earth.它长仅 41 公里(25 英里),宽 10 公里,却拥有超过 200 万居民,是地球上人口最稠密的地方之一。

In the wake of the 1948-49 war, Gaza was occupied by Egypt for 19 years.1948-49 年战争结束后,加沙被埃及占领了 19 年。

Israel occupied Gaza in the 1967 war and stayed until 2005, during that time building Jewish settlements.以色列在 1967 年战争中占领加沙,一直占领到 2005 年,期间修建了犹太人定居点。

Israel withdrew its troops and settlers in 2005, though it retained control over its airspace, shared border and shoreline. The UN still considers the territory to be occupied by Israel.2005年,以色列撤出了军队和定居者,但保留了对其领空、共同边界和海岸线的控制。联合国仍然认为该领土被以色列占领。

Where is the Gaza Strip?加沙地带在哪里?

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What are the main problems between Israelis and Palestinians?以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的主要问题是什么?

There are a number of issues which the two sides cannot agree on.双方在很多问题上无法达成一致。

These include:这些包括:

· What should happen to Palestinian refugees巴勒斯坦难民该怎么办

· Whether Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank should stay or be removed被占领的约旦河西岸的犹太人定居点应该保留还是拆除

· Whether the two sides should share Jerusalem双方是否应共享耶路撒冷

· And - perhaps most tricky of all - whether a Palestinian state should be created alongside Israel也许最棘手的是是否应该与以色列一起建立巴勒斯坦国

What efforts have been made to resolve these problems?为解决这些问题做了哪些努力?

Israel-Palestinian peace talks were held on and off between the 1990s and 2010s, interspersed with outbreaks of violence.20世纪90年代至2010年代,以巴和谈断断续续,期间还爆发了暴力事件。

A negotiated peace did seem possible in the early days. A series of secret talks in Norway became the Oslo peace process, forever symbolised by a ceremony on the White House lawn in 1993 presided over by President Bill Clinton.早期通过谈判达成和平似乎确实是可能的。在挪威举行的一系列秘密会谈成为奥斯陆和平进程,1993 年比尔·克林顿总统在白宫草坪主持的仪式成为永远的象征。

In a historic moment, the Palestinians recognised the State of Israel and Israel recognised its historical enemy, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), as the sole representative of the Palestinian people. A self-governing Palestinian Authority was set up.在历史性时刻,巴勒斯坦人承认以色列国,以色列也承认其历史敌人巴勒斯坦解放组织(巴解组织)是巴勒斯坦人民的唯一代表。巴勒斯坦自治权力机构成立。

Cracks soon appeared, though, with then opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu calling Oslo a mortal threat to Israel. The Israelis accelerated their project to settle Jews in the occupied Palestinian territories. The recently emerged Palestinian militant group Hamas sent suicide bombers to kill people in Israel and wreck the chances of a deal.然而,分歧很快就出现了,当时的反对派领导人本杰明·内塔尼亚胡称奥斯陆对以色列构成致命威胁。以色列人加快了在巴勒斯坦被占领土上定居犹太人的计划。最近出现的巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯派出自杀式炸弹袭击者杀害以色列民众,破坏了达成协议的机会。

Peace seemed possible in the early 1990s when the Oslo accords were signed20 世纪 90 年代初,奥斯陆协议签署,和平似乎成为可能

The atmosphere in Israel turned ugly, culminating in Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination by a Jewish extremist on 4 November 1995.以色列的气氛变得丑陋,最终导致以色列总理伊扎克·拉宾于 1995 年 11 月 4 日被犹太极端分子暗杀。

In the 2000s attempts were made to revive the peace process - including in 2003 when a roadmap was devised by world powers with the ultimate goal of a two-state solution, but this was never implemented.2000年代,人们曾尝试重振和平进程,包括2003年,世界大国制定了路线图,最终目标是两国解决方案,但从未实施。

Peace efforts finally stalled in 2014, when talks failed between the Israelis and Palestinians in Washington.2014年,以色列和巴勒斯坦在华盛顿举行的谈判失败,和平努力最终陷入停滞。

The mostrecent peace plan - prepared by the USwhen Donald Trump was president - was called "the deal of the century" by Prime Minister Netanyahu, but was dismissed by the Palestinians as one-sided and never got off the ground.最近的和平计划是由美国在唐纳德·特朗普担任总统期间制定的,被总理内塔尼亚胡称为“世纪协议”,但被巴勒斯坦人认为是片面的,因此从未付诸实施。

Why are Israel and Gaza at war now?为什么以色列和加沙现在处于战争状态?

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Gaza is ruled by Hamas, an Islamist group which is committed to the destruction of Israel and is designated as a terrorist group by the UK and many other countries.加沙由哈马斯统治,哈马斯是一个伊斯兰组织,致力于摧毁以色列,并被英国和许多其他国家指定为恐怖组织。

Hamas won the Palestinians' last elections in 2006, and seized control of Gaza the following year by ousting the rival Fatah movement of West Bank-based President Mahmoud Abbas.哈马斯赢得了巴勒斯坦2006年的最后一次选举,并于次年推翻了约旦河西岸总统马哈茂德·阿巴斯的竞争对手法塔赫运动,从而控制了加沙。

Since then, militants in Gaza have fought several wars with Israel, which along with Egypt has maintained a partial blockade on the strip to isolate Hamas and try to stop attacks, particularly the indiscriminate firing of rockets towards Israeli cities.从那时起,加沙的武装分子与以色列发生了几场战争,以色列与埃及一起维持了对加沙地带的部分封锁,以孤立哈马斯并试图阻止袭击,特别是向以色列城市肆意发射火箭弹。

Palestinians in Gaza say Israel's restrictions and its air strikes on heavily populated areas amount to collective punishment.加沙的巴勒斯坦人表示,以色列的限制和对人口稠密地区的空袭相当于集体惩罚。

This year has been the deadliest on record for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, the UN says. Palestinians also complain of the restrictions and military actions being carried out there in response to deadly attacks on Israelis.联合国称,今年是被占领的约旦河西岸和东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人死亡人数最多的一年。巴勒斯坦人还抱怨当地为应对针对以色列人的致命袭击而采取的限制和军事行动。

These tensions could have been one of the reasons for Hamas's latest attack.这些紧张局势可能是哈马斯最近发动袭击的原因之一。

But the militants may also have been seeking to boost their popularity among ordinary Palestinians, including by using hostages to pressure Israel to free some of the estimated 4,500 Palestinians held in its prisons.但武装分子也可能一直在寻求提高他们在普通巴勒斯坦人中的受欢迎程度,包括利用人质向以色列施压,要求其释放被关押在监狱中的约 4,500 名巴勒斯坦人中的一些人。

Who supports who in the Israel-Hamas war?以色列与哈马斯战争中谁支持谁?

The US, the European Union and other Western countries have all condemned the Hamas attack on Israel.美国、欧盟等西方国家均谴责哈马斯对以色列的袭击。

The US, Israel's closest ally, has over the years given the Jewish state more than $260bn in military and economic aid, and has promised additional equipment, air defence missiles, guided bombs and ammunition.作为以色列最亲密的盟友,美国多年来向这个犹太国家提供了超过 2600 亿美元的军事和经济援助,并承诺提供额外的设备、防空导弹、制导炸弹和弹药。

It also sent two aircraft carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean to deter Israel's enemies, particularly Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, from opening a second front in the war.它还向地中海东部派遣了两个航空母舰打击群,以阻止以色列的敌人,特别是黎巴嫩真主党运动开辟战争的第二条战线。

The US has however criticised Israel over the scale of the Palestinian death toll and sharp differences have emerged between the two allies over the war.然而,美国就巴勒斯坦死亡人数的规模批评以色列,两个盟友之间在战争问题上出现了尖锐分歧。

Russia and China have both refused to condemn Hamas, and say they are maintaining contact with both sides in the conflict. Russian President Vladimir Putin has blamed US policy for the absence of peace in the Middle East.俄罗斯和中国都拒绝谴责哈马斯,并表示正在与冲突双方保持联系。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京将中东缺乏和平归咎于美国政策。

Iran, Israel's arch-enemy, is a key supporter of Hamas, as well as Hezbollah, whose militants have been exchanging fire with Israeli forces almost daily since Hamas's attack.以色列的宿敌伊朗是哈马斯和真主党的主要支持者,自哈马斯袭击以来,真主党武装分子几乎每天都与以色列军队交火。

Questions have been asked about Iran's role in the Hamas' attack, after reports said it gave the go-ahead days before. Tehran has, however,denied any involvement.有报道称伊朗在几天前批准了袭击,人们对伊朗在哈马斯袭击中所扮演的角色提出了疑问。然而,德黑兰否认有任何参与。