The power of each person to create their own life is considerable, far beyond our imagination.
Anger is an acid that causes more damage to the container storing it than to any object that comes into contact with it.
We are never afraid of falling in love with anyone, we are only afraid of not being worth it. We devoutly offer a heart, only to be thrown into the soil and crushed.
Even if I constantly suffer setbacks, I will not lose heart; Even if I am physically and mentally exhausted, even on the brink of collapse, I must face life squarely.
Everyone is willing to blindly follow, as if the safest thing in the world is to disappear from the "majority".
Often when you can't hold on, you also want to find a backing, but no matter how you look, you will find that some mountains are full of thorns and some mountains are full of wild beasts, so you should be your own mountain.
You need to see the world in order to decide what kind of life you want to live.
No matter how you conduct yourself or do things, if you can calm your mind and remain composed, you will radiate high energy and feel at ease.
A powerful person is not able to conquer anything, but can withstand something.