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笔墨人生 一一湖湘书法家胡震营 胡震营,生于1963年,湖南衡阳人,现为湖南省书法家协会会员。



Brush and Ink Life - Hu Zhenying, a calligrapher from Hunan Province, was born in 1963 in Hengyang, Hunan. He is currently a member of the Hunan Calligraphers Association.

Hu Zhenying began learning calligraphy during his youth and has been focusing on Wei steles for decades. He also studied running script and cursive script. In particular, Wei steles have been diligent and dedicated for the longest time, presenting a strong, peaceful, and ever-changing style, earning the praise of "drawing on the strengths of many families and having their own unique style.".

Hu Zhenying has participated in various national exhibitions and competitions, winning many awards and honors. His calligraphy works have been collected by the Calligraphy Newspaper, and his works have also been made into themed stamps for "Striving for a New Journey, Making Merits in a New Era - Celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China". Master Shen Peng commented that Hu Zhenying's calligraphy has clean ink, exquisite and powerful brushstrokes, extraordinary dancing momentum, and incorporates a certain charm. He does not compete with the world for fame and fortune, but only with the ancients, with the spirit of promoting the revival of Chinese calligraphy culture and art.

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