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tables and figures在文中的位置



· 不要在页面上留下大片空白。


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·如果表格占了一页以上的篇幅,则在后面每页开头写上表格编号,并用 “continued ”代替标题,比如Table 4 (continued)。



一般我们表和图在文中总是用 “Table 1”、“Figure 5”等来表示,虽然表格和图表必须单独使用才有意义,但它们的目的是补充正文中的信息。所以,我们的正文中是要提及每个图表的,但也需要整合表和图中的信息,而不仅仅是重复就完事了。






· 提示某种关系或趋势



(a):Identify the table number first and make some statement about itThe data in .

Table 5.4 indicates that most people on this pathway had been intransitional accommodation on multiple occasions.

(b):Use ‘as’, either at the beginning or end of the sentence .

As shown in Table 3.3, the input power from the DC-DC converter in Zone 1 is 10Wat its peak. Hence the peak power consumption is 10W for half of the processingclusters in the PPU.

From the SPENVIS tools, the world distribution of electron flux encountered in theXSat orbit is obtained, as shown in Figure 3.8.

(c):Use passive voice

Further demographic and contextual data of the PhD (thesis) candidates are shownin Table 4.1.

(d):Refer to the table or figure in brackets at the end of the sentence.

It is also hypothesised that in IL-6 treated skeletal muscle and liver cells, activityand expression of PGC-1α and its downstream targets will be increased and thusresult in enhanced mitochondrial oxidation and respiration (Figure 3.3).


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