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1 英语原意


2 英文解释

2.1 词语解释

2.1 词语解释

relay verb [ T ]

to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message, or programme on television or radio传达,转发;播放;转播

I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.

relay noun [C] (TEAM)

a group of people who continue an activity that others from the same team or organization have been doing previously接替的一组人;轮换的一队人

Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.

(also relay race)

a running or swimming race between two or more teams in which each person in the team runs or swims part of the race(跑步或游泳的)接力赛

relay noun [C] (EQUIPMENT)

a device that reacts to a small change in an electrical current by moving switches or other devices in an electrical circuit (通过移动电路中的开关或其他设备对电流的微小变化做出反应的设备)中继设备

2.2 名词解释

2.2 名词解释

A relay is an electrically operated switch that uses an electromagnet to open or close any electrical circuit. In other words, We can say that A Relay is an electromechanical switch that has the ability to turn ON or OFF any electrical circuit. It consists of a flexible moving mechanical part that can be controlled electrically through an electromagnet.继电器是一种电动开关,它使用电磁铁打开或关闭任何电路。换句话说,我们可以说继电器是一种机电开关,能够打开或关闭任何电路。它由一个灵活的移动机械部件组成,可以通过电磁铁进行电气控制。

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While we use normal switches to open and close any electrical circuit manually, Relay is also a Switch that connects and disconnects circuits. But instead of manual operation, the Relay uses an electrical signal to control the circuit’s ON-OFF operation. Relays are used to controle a high-powered circuit using a low-power signal.我们使用普通开关手动打开和关闭任何电路,但继电器也是一种连接和断开电路的开关。但是,继电器不是手动操作,而是使用电信号来控制电路的ON-OFF操作。继电器用于使用低功率信号控制高功率电路。

3 中文解释


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