
Two years after donating a World War II photo album, Evan Kail arrived in Beijing on Saturday to begin his first trip to China.


His visit drew huge online and offline crowds. Tens of millions joined live streams to welcome him, while many greeted him at the airport. Evan said, "I received the warmest welcome when l got off the plane. I still can't believe all the people that were waiting to say hello. It really warmed my heart and l'm so excited to be here."

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Evan plans to spend a month in China, visiting Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Nanjing and he eagerly anticipates his journey.


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Recognized by numerous fans, Evan received a warm welcome and requests for photos. A visitor thanked him for the album donation and gifted him a military coat after noticing Evan's thinly attire. Pleased, Evan said, "This is the coolest coat I've ever had."

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"I donated the World War II photobook album to China two years ago, and I received this national porcelain gift for my efforts in return. This incident has had a profound influence on me. I've received profound positivity from so many of you in China and all over the world, and that's really what matters the most." “两年前我把一本二战相册捐赠给了中国,然后收到了这份回赠的国礼瓷,这件事对我产生了深远的影响。我从中国和世界各地的许多人那里收获了满满的正能量,这才是最重要的。”
"I plan to arrive on China on Nov 16. This marks the second anniversary since donating the World War II photobook album to China. And on this anniversary, I'm excited to experience China — China's culture, its history, its people. I also want to see how China, which was recorded in the photo album, has changed over the last 100 years." “我计划在11月16日到达中国,这也刚好是我向中国无偿捐赠二战相册两周年的日子。在这个纪念日,我很期待能够体验中国的文化,感受中国历史,结识中国人民。我也想看看,相比相册中记录的那个中国,它在过去100年里发生了哪些变化。”


"It is important to preserve that. You can't throw that away, you can't erase that, because then we're doomed to repeat it." “保护历史是很重要的,你不能抛弃它,你不能抹除它,因为那样我们就注定会重蹈覆辙。”
"So when I looked at these photos and I saw what was going on in the photos, I thought this is a war crime, this belongs to a museum, this does not belong to a private collection. And I had to do whatever I could. It's my integrity. My integrity says that that is blood money and you can't profit off that." “所以当我看到这些照片,看到照片里发生的事情时,我认为这是战争罪。这应该属于博物馆而非私人收藏。我必须尽我所能。这是我的操守。我的操守告诉我那是沾血的钱,你不能以此牟利。”
"And I hope everybody on earth carries that virtue. I did this because doing the right thing knows no borders." “我这么做是因为做正确的事不分国界,我希望地球上所有人都有这样的品质。”


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