The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, is one of the largest big cats in the world, primarily inhabiting the northeast of China and the Russian Far East. As cubs, Siberian tigers have bright fur and round, chubby bodies with large, innocent eyes, making them appear extremely cute. However, as they grow, this gentle image is replaced by a powerful predatory instinct. An adult Siberian tiger can exceed 3 meters in length and weigh between 200 and 300 kilograms. With well-developed muscles and agile movements, it becomes one of the top predators in the animal kingdom.

At the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in China, you can witness these majestic tigers that combine both cuteness and fierceness. When observing them through protective fencing, they not only act playful and affectionate, but also run, jump, and chase, full of vitality!

On this beautiful winter day, let's watch these tigers frolic in the snow. Come and join the effort in tiger conservation.