
中国Bslbatt公司推出了MicroBox 800,这是一种专门为阳台光伏(PV)系统设计的模块化储能解决方案。该系统的存储容量为2千瓦时,并配备了一个800瓦的双向逆变器。
China’s Bslbatt has introduced the MicroBox 800, a modular energy storage solution designed specifically for balcony photovoltaic (PV) systems. The system has a storage capacity of 2 kWh and features an 800 W bidirectional inverter.
中国储能系统制造商Bslbatt正通过推出MicroBox 800和Brick 2进入阳台光伏市场,MicroBox 800是一种带有双向逆变器的电池储能系统,Brick 2是一种专门为阳台光伏设计的扩展电池模块。
Bslbatt, a Chinese storage system manufacturer, is entering the balcony PV market with the introduction of the MicroBox 800, a battery storage system with a bi-directional inverter, and the Brick 2, an extension battery module, specifically designed for balcony PV.
MicroBox 800将800 W双向逆变器与2 kWh磷酸铁锂电池模块相结合,实现了并网和离网设置的集成。双MPPT技术支持22V至60V的太阳能输入,提供高达2000W的输入功率。
The MicroBox 800 combines an 800 W bidirectional inverter with a 2 kWh lithium iron phosphate battery module, enabling integration in both on-grid and off-grid setups. The dual MPPT technology supports solar inputs ranging from 22 V to 60 V, delivering up to 2000 W of input power.