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你知道吗,Concordia的校外旅行不只有研学!多年来,学生们一直都有参加社会服务之旅,将行动力延伸到课堂之外。而最近的一次,就在11月初,一群高中生在三位老师Ms. Jane Zhang、Dr. Peter Tong、Ms. Lydia Steinhaus的带领下,踏上了去广州的服务之旅。

携手公益组织“星爱”(Shining Star,是广州当地一个致力于支持农村留守儿童的非营利组织),Concordia的学生志愿者们深入广州的一个社区中心,与那里的20名中小学生结下了友谊。他们为孩子们送去了教育和社会情感的双重支持:不光教孩子们学英语、帮他们塑造健全的品格,还带孩子们体验了一把无人机飞行技术!


事实上,这次的广州之行不仅是Concordia与“星爱”长期合作的延续,也展现了Concordia培养学生全球公民意识和服务精神的坚定承诺。说起“星爱”,近日,该公益组织的联合创始人Ms. Summer Tan到访了Concordia,在高中的师生大会上,她分享了自2010年起与Concordia携手走过的点点滴滴,以及大家共同坚守的价值观。

Ms. Summer Tan在Concordia高中大会上
Summer Tan曾是2010年香港协同福利与教育基金会(CWEF)高中奖学金计划的受益者之一。之后她创立了“星爱”公益组织,从那时起Concordia就一直鼓励学生前往广州,与“星爱”携手,帮助当地需要帮助的儿童。至今,已经有超过1000名Concordia的师生和员工参与其中。
高中老师Ms. Jane Zhang回忆说:“这次经历不仅对‘星爱’支持的儿童们产生了深远的影响,对我们的高中生也是一次难得的成长经历。它为同学们提供了一个宝贵的机会,让他们能够跨越文化差异,培养同情心,提升领导力。”

参与这次服务之旅的高中生Samantha T.(2025届)说:“这次旅行让我更加深刻地理解了领导和引导他人实现共同目标的意义,以及社区的重要性。”
Tracy L.(2025届)加入“星爱”是因为她想要有更多帮助农村儿童的机会。她说:“‘服务’意味着将他人的需求置于自己之前,并回馈社区。”
Angela W.(2025届)说:“和广州孩子们的互动让我感到很快乐。看着他们纯真的笑容、好奇心和活力,让我感到生活中的快乐其实很简单。”
Emily P.(2025届)分享道:“我选择成为‘星爱’的一员,是因为我希望把更多资源送到农村学生的手中,并且和那些与我们截然不同的孩子们分享我们的兴趣爱好。”


At Concordia, students are empowered to engage in acts of service that reach far beyond campus, making a meaningful impact in the wider world. For years, they have participated in purposeful service trips, where hands-on experiences meet real-world contributions. In early November, a group of high school students continued this tradition with a trip to Guangzhou, led by Ms. Jane Zhang, Dr. Peter Tong, and Ms. Lydia Steinhaus, creating tangible change in local communities.

Partnering with Shining Star, a non-profit organization committed to supporting left-behind children in rural China, our student volunteers engaged with 20 elementary and middle school students at a local community center in Guangzhou. They provided educational and social emotional support for the children in three main areas: English language skills, character building, and an exciting introduction to drone technology.

Through creative and interactive activities, our students taught English in a fun and engaging way, encouraging confidence and practical communication. Character-building sessions helped inspire positive values and personal growth, while the drone workshop added an innovative twist, sparking curiosity about technology and new possibilities for the future.

This trip is part of Concordia Shanghai’s ongoing collaboration with Shining Star, reflecting the commitment to fostering global citizenship and a heart for service among students. Speaking of which, Ms. Summer Tan, co-founder of Shining Star, spoke at High School Assembly this week, recounting her connection with Concordia since 2010 and the shared values that bind us together.

Ms. Summer Tan presents at High school Assembly
Back in 2010, she was one of the recipients of the Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation (CWEF) high school scholarship program. Once Shining Star was born, Concordia was there for Summer and her team, rallying our students to lend a hand to kids in need in Guangzhou. To date, over 1,000 of our students, faculty, and staff have joined in.
“This experience was not only transformative for the children supported by Shining Star, but also for our high school students. It provided an invaluable opportunity to connect across cultures, foster empathy, and develop leadership skills,” recalls Ms. Jane Zhang, high school teacher.

“This past trip taught me even more what it meant to truly be able to lead and guide other people to accomplishing a common goal, and the importance of community,” says Samantha T. (C’25), who has been a student leader of Shining Star for the past 2 years. To her, “service” means acknowledging your privilege and channeling it to other communities that may not necessarily have the same resources as you do and extending your love to those communities.
For Tracy L. (C’25) who joined Shining Star because she wanted to have more opportunities to help children in rural areas, “service” means to put the needs of others before your own and give back to the community.
“The biggest takeaway from my interaction with the local kids in Guangzhou would definitely be that they brought me joy. From looking at them, their pure smiles, curiosity, and energy would always make me think of the simple pleasures in life,” says Angela W. (C’25).
“The reason I chose to become a part of Shining Star is because I hope to pass on new materials to rural students and share our hobbies with students who are completely different from us,” adds Emily P. (C’25).

To students, service goes beyond fulfilling a task, rather it involves a commitment to making a positive impact on others. Concordia is beaming with pride over their dedication to making the world a better place. Stay tuned for more stories from the front lines of kindness!
Scan to read a full story about Concordia's history with Shining Star:



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