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The Hollywood Hills blazed uncontrollably on Thursday morning as the worst wildfires in the history of Los Angeles raged across the city and deep into the storied heartland of the American film industry. The homes of movie stars and celebrities were among those consumed by flames, which tore through some of the world's most lavish real estate and above showbiz landmarks instantly recognizable around the world.

据美联社报道,在太平洋海岸和帕萨迪纳市之间的区域内,1000多座建筑损毁,其中大部分是居民住宅。至少13万人接到撤离通知,多所学校受损或烧毁。由于火情仍在不断蔓延,预计会有更多居民受到影响。希尔顿(Paris Hilton)、女歌手曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)和男演员比利·克里斯托尔(Billy Crystal)等人8日表示,他们的家也被大火焚毁。

Mandy Moore and Paris Hilton are among the stars who said Wednesday they lost homes. Billy Crystal and his wife Janice lost their home of 45 years in the Palisades Fire.

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帕丽斯·希尔顿被烧毁的豪宅前后对比 图源:每日邮报

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比利·克里斯托的房子被烧得只剩下网球场 图源:每日邮报


帕萨迪纳市消防负责人查德·奥古斯丁(Chad Augustin)说,当地伊顿地区7日晚开始的火灾已造成200到500座建筑受损或烧毁。眼下,当地灭火工作遭遇一系列阻碍:供水系统本已不堪重负,断电又进一步阻碍供水系统运转,加上强风把余烬裹挟至其他街区,火灾不断蔓延。

In Pasadena, Fire Chief Chad Augustin said between 200 and 500 structures have been damaged or lost from the Eaton Fire that started Tuesday night. He said the city’s water system was stretched and was further hampered by power outages, but even without those issues, firefighters would not have been able to stop the fire due to the intense winds fanning the flames.

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洛杉矶市市长卡伦·巴斯(Karen Bass)说,消防飞机正加紧从空中泼洒阻燃剂和水灭火。当地风力有所减弱,但天气可能还会变化。

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said air operations were dousing flames. She warned they still faced “erratic winds,” though not like Tuesday evening, when aircraft had to be grounded and much of the destruction occurred.

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"We're facing a historic natural disaster. And I think that can't be stated strong enough," Kevin McGowan, director of emergency management for Los Angeles County, told a press conference.

来源:新华社 美联社 路透社